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Fully Automatic Strapping Machine in Chennai

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Fully Automatic Strapping Machine in Chennai

Fully Automatic Strapping Machine in Chennai 

Call:-9713032266  / /7089062266

A fully automatic strapping machine in Chennai  is a type of packaging equipment used to secure packages, cartons, or bundles with plastic strapping. These machines are commonly used in industries such as logistics, distribution centers, manufacturing facilities, and warehouses to automate the strapping process, increase efficiency, and ensure secure packaging of goods for transportation or storage.

Here's how a typical fully automatic strapping machine works:

  • 1. Package Placement: The operator or an automated conveyor system places the package, carton, or bundle onto the strapping machine's strapping table or conveyor belt.
  • 2. Strap Feeding: The strapping machine automatically feeds plastic strapping material from a coil or spool. The strapping material is usually made of polypropylene (PP) or polyester (PET) and is available in various widths and thicknesses.
  • 3. Tensioning: The machine pulls the strapping material around the package and through a tensioning mechanism to apply the desired tension. This tensioning ensures that the strapping securely holds the package together without damaging the contents.
  • 4. Sealing and Welding: Once the desired tension is applied, the strapping machine seals the ends of the strapping material together using heat sealing or friction welding. This creates a strong and reliable seal that prevents the strapping from coming loose during transit or handling.
  • 5. Cutting: After sealing the strapping, the machine cuts the excess strapping material, ensuring a clean and neat finish.
  • Ejection or Discharge: Some strapping machines include an ejection or discharge mechanism to automatically remove the strapped package from the machine's strapping area onto a conveyor belt or packaging line for further processing or distribution.
  • 6. Control System: The strapping machine is typically equipped with a control system that allows operators to adjust strapping parameters such as tension, sealing temperature, and strapping cycle speed to accommodate different package sizes and types of strapping material.

Fully Automatic Strapping Machine

A fully automatic strapping machine is an electronic device designed to wrap products or pallets with a tensile plastic material to prevent them from breaking or falling apart during transport. This machine doesn't require any manual effort to operate as it has electronic controls to manage the strap's tension, heating, and cutting.

Once the parcel is placed in the machine, the user needs to push the on button, and the device automatically detects the item with the help of sensors, straps it, seals it, and cuts it according to the set tension level. This machine is equipped with sensors to detect the item, and rollers are used to ensure that strapping is carried out with less force. It has a high strapping output of 60 or more per minute, and a mechanical dial can easily control the tension.

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