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A beginner's guide to setting up a Binance Smart Chain node

andrew dev
A beginner's guide to setting up a Binance Smart Chain node

Binance Smart Chain node

Welcome to the beginner's guide on how to set up a Binance Smart Chain (BSC) node. In this article, we will walk you through the process of setting up a Binance Smart Chain node from scratch. Whether you are a developer or just curious about blockchain technology, this guide will provide you with the necessary steps to get started.

Beginner's guide

If you are new to blockchain technology or Binance Smart Chain node setup, don't worry! This guide is specifically designed for beginners like you. We will explain the concepts and terminologies in a simple and straightforward manner to ensure you have a solid understanding of the process.

Binance Smart Chain

Binance Smart Chain (BSC) is a blockchain platform that runs in parallel with the Binance Chain. It enables developers to build decentralized applications (dApps) and digital assets on a scalable and efficient network. BSC also supports a high-performance trading system, making it an ideal choice for developers and traders alike.

Now, let's dive into the step-by-step process of setting up your own Binance Smart Chain node:

Step 1: System Requirements

Before we begin, make sure your system meets the following requirements:

  • Operating System: Windows, macOS, or Linux
  • Hardware: Minimum 2 GB RAM, 100 GB free disk space
  • Internet Connection: Stable and high-speed

Once you have confirmed that your system meets these requirements, we can proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Install Geth

Geth is the official Golang implementation of the Ethereum protocol, which Binance Smart Chain is based on. Follow these steps to install Geth:

  1. Visit the official Geth repository on GitHub: https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum
  2. Download the latest stable release of Geth for your operating system.
  3. Install Geth by following the instructions provided in the repository's README file.

After successful installation, you can verify whether Geth is installed correctly by running the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

geth version

If you see the Geth version information, you have successfully installed Geth.

Step 3: Configure Geth

Now that Geth is installed, we need to configure it to connect to the Binance Smart Chain network. Follow these steps to configure Geth:

  1. Create a new directory for the Binance Smart Chain data:
mkdir ~/.binance/data
  1. Create a new file named "genesis.json" and paste the following content:
  "config": {
    "chainId": 56,
    "homesteadBlock": 0,
    "eip150Block": 0,
    "eip155Block": 0,
    "eip158Block": 0,
    "byzantiumBlock": 0,
    "constantinopleBlock": 0,
    "petersburgBlock": 0,
    "istanbulBlock": 0,
    "clique": {
      "period": 15,
      "epoch": 30000
  "nonce": "0x0",
  "difficulty": "0x20000",
  "mixHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "coinbase": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "timestamp": "0x00",
  "parentHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "extraData": "0x",
  "gasLimit": "0xffffffff",
  "alloc": {}
  1. Open your text editor and create a new file named "start.sh". Add the following content:
geth --datadir ~/.binance/data/ --networkid 56 --syncmode "fast" --rpc --rpcaddr "" --rpcport 8545 --rpccorsdomain "*" --rpcapi "eth,web3,personal,net,miner" --metrics

Save the file and exit your text editor.

Step 4: Start Your BSC Node

Now, let's start your Binance Smart Chain node by executing the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

chmod +x start.sh

Your BSC node will start syncing with the Binance Smart Chain network. This process may take some time, so please be patient.

Step 5: Interact with your BSC Node

Congratulations! You have successfully set up your own Binance Smart Chain node. Now, let's learn how to interact with your node using various tools:

Binance Chain Explorer

The Binance Chain Explorer is a web-based tool that allows you to explore and analyze the Binance Smart Chain network. You can view the latest blocks, transactions, and addresses on the BSC network. Visit the official Binance Chain Explorer at https://bscscan.com/.

Mist Browser

Mist is a desktop application that serves as a web browser for decentralized applications. It allows you to interact with dApps on the Binance Smart Chain network. Download and install Mist for your operating system from the official Ethereum website: https://ethereum.org/.

Once you have installed Mist, open it and connect to your Binance Smart Chain node by entering the following URL in the "New Network" dialog:



Web3.js is a JavaScript library that provides an interface for interacting with the Binance Smart Chain network programmatically. You can use it to develop your own dApps or automate tasks on the BSC network. Refer to the official Web3.js documentation for more information: https://web3js.readthedocs.io/.


Setting up a Binance Smart Chain node may seem daunting at first, but with this beginner's guide, you now have the necessary knowledge to get started. We have covered the essential steps, from installing Geth to interacting with your BSC node using various tools.

Remember, Binance Smart Chain offers a world of opportunities for developers and blockchain enthusiasts. By running your own node, you contribute to the decentralization and security of the network. So, what are you waiting for? Start exploring the world of Binance Smart Chain today!

andrew dev
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