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Facebook Ads: A Closer Look at the Different Types

Facebook Ads: A Closer Look at the Different Types

Facebook ads now known as Meta ads are dynamic kinds of digital ads that offer a variety of ad selections to choose from that are most suited for your business and budget. Choosing the right Facebook ad is as important as creating one because it will determine the success of your ad campaign. So in this guide, we got you the list of different types of Facebook ads for you to decide which one is the most suitable for your business. Get help from a Facebook ads agency to begin your campaign.

4 Types of Facebook Ads

1.   Image Ads

 The most common advertisement type that is popular on Facebook is single-image advertisements. These forms of ads are easy to create and communicate almost everything about your brand. You can either use Meta ads for specific targeting options using Meta Ads Manager or create through a Facebook page by boosting a post.

2.   Video Ads

Video ads on Facebook have been a trending form of advertising due to its amazing brand story-sharing features and audience-engaging content. You can either boost your existing video to promote your product or service or create a new video ad through Meta Ads Manager. Videos of 15 seconds or less have better chances of success and also don’t forget to add a call for action button at the end of the video. You can get help from a Facebook ads expert to create and optimize a video ad.

3.   Carousel Ads


·    You can show different products and services to multiple landing pages.

·    You can shoot products from different angles for a better understanding of the target audience.

·    Demonstrate a process or provide a tutorial

·    You can create an immersive experience by breaking a large image into multiple frames.

4.   Collection Ads

Collection ads are the featured ads that can give an Instant Experience of products on full-screen and simplify the process of browsing and purchasing. The target audience can browse multiple products underneath the cover image and can be shown across platforms such as Facebook, Instagram posts, and stories.

You can get help from the top digital marketing company in India to create Collection ads as it is one of the most amazing ways to display your ads to consumers and make their showing and browsing experience enjoyable. It is easy to drive sales through this ad.

Identify the Best That Suits Your Goal!

Now that you are familiar with the types of Facebook ads, you should learn more about how you can create and utilize them for the success of your ad campaign. To achieve success in the highly competitive digital space, you need to get help from Facebook advertising agencies to create something different that appeals to your target audience and increases your ROI. So, don’t let your business suffer from the loss of target customers, and begin your journey of Facebook advertising.

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