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NDIS Improved Health & Wellbeing: A Definitive Guide!

NDIS Improved Health & Wellbeing: A Definitive Guide!

Taking care of ourselves by making better lifestyle choices is essential to leading a more self-sufficient life. Focusing on improving our health and well-being helps us gain more confidence and independence in performing everyday tasks and exploring new opportunities in the community. When it comes to accessing NDIS support services, such as NDIS support coordination Perth, it's crucial to consider options that align with your health and well-being goals.

What is NDIS Improved Health and Wellbeing?

The Improved Health and Wellbeing category is a part of the Capacity Building funding section in the NDIS. This funding covers the cost of support services that aim to improve participants' physical and mental health. Its purpose is to help participants achieve their goal of overall wellness and better health.

Individuals seeking to lead a healthier lifestyle or improve their physical and mental health due to injury or disability can benefit from this program.

NDIS Improved Health - Covered Services

It is essential to choose supports for Improved Health & Wellbeing that help achieve long-term goals and greater independence. Here are some examples:

  • Dietitian Consultation
  • If you aim to develop a healthier diet, getting help from an NDIS-registered dietitian is worth it. They can assist you in creating a nutritious meal plan tailored to your needs.
  • Personal Training Sessions
  • NDIS-registered personal trainers can improve your mobility and overall health through tailored sports and recreational activities, whether at home, a gym, or outdoors.
  • Support Worker Assistance
  • NDIS support workers can assist with health and wellbeing activities like meal preparation and gym access. Don’t limit yourself to indoor activities but also engage in outdoor activities such as gardening or fishing if that interests you. Go out, learn new things, have some fresh air, and keep learning.

How you spend your Improved Health and Wellbeing funding depends on what is deemed reasonable and necessary to achieve your goals.

NDIS Improved Health - Un-covered Services

Although NDIS covers most health and wellbeing-related services, it does not fund everyday expenses unrelated to your disability or goals. Here are some examples:

  • You can use your funding to pay for a consultation with a registered dietitian but not for the food itself, as it is considered an everyday expense.
  • The NDIS does not fund private swimming lessons as they can be provided by informal support and are not considered value for money.

Importance of Improved Health & Wellbeing

If you're an NDIS participant looking to improve your health and well-being, "Improved Health & Wellbeing" is a game-changing option. Here are some staggering benefits it can bring to your life:

  • Improve mental well-being and feel more fulfilled by implementing certain practices and habits that promote positive mental health.
  • Gain more independence and complete tasks with ease.
  • Improve your interpersonal skills and enhance the overall quality of your life.
  • I am developing new skills for everyday life and the capacity to be more self-sufficient.
  • Enhance your overall physical well-being by improving your fitness.

Bottom Line

Health and well-being are crucial aspects of everyone's life. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle provides ample opportunities to enjoy more independence, engage in activities you cherish, and experience daily happiness.

Compass Care Group | Registered NDIS Support Service Perth (providing disability support services Perth) is a registered NDIS service provider dedicated to helping you lead a happy and healthy life by supporting your NDIS journey towards improved health and well-being. Regardless of your circumstances, we are here to assist you in creating personalized health and fitness strategies that meet your specific goals and lifestyle.

By focusing on the importance of NDIS Improved Health & Wellbeing, individuals can make informed decisions about utilizing NDIS support services to enhance their overall quality of life.

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