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India's National Parks: Guardians of Biodiversity and Wildlife Sanctuaries

Sensila Voyages
India's National Parks: Guardians of Biodiversity and Wildlife Sanctuaries

India's national parks stand as fortresses of biodiversity, safeguarding the nation's rich tapestry of flora and fauna. Under the watchful gaze of the Ministry of Environment and Forests, these parks serve as sanctuaries for India's diverse wildlife. The journey of conservation embarked upon in 1935 with the establishment of Hailey National Park, now renowned as Jim Corbett National Park.

Beginning with just 5 parks in 1970, India has made remarkable strides, now proudly boasting 92 national parks as of May 2004. Spanning a vast 38,000 square kilometers, these parks envelop approximately 1.2% of India's expansive terrain. While 166 parks have been authorized, plans are afoot for further expansions, including the addition of Kambalakonda National Park in Andhra Pradesh, and Anamudi Shola and Pampadum Shola in Kerala.

These protected areas play an integral role in conserving India's natural heritage and fostering biodiversity. They provide vital habitats for endangered species and serve as epicenters for eco-tourism, research, and environmental education. As custodians of India's wilderness, national parks remain unwavering in their dedication to conservation, ensuring a legacy of thriving wildlife for generations to come.

Embark on your wildlife odyssey today - start planning your visit to these remarkable sanctuaries by visiting our website, and experience the unparalleled beauty of India's natural treasures firsthand.

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Sensila Voyages
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