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Meritorious Students Showcasing Health-Tech Innovations

Akhil sharma
Meritorious Students Showcasing Health-Tech Innovations

For individuals to acquire knowledge, skills, and perspectives, education is the key. Education is not only for gaining knowledge. It is also for developing skills that are useful for surviving in the actual world, such as teamwork, communication, leadership traits, analysis, critical thinking, logical reasoning, and problem-solving. Education provides individuals with several chances, allowing them to reach their full potential and live satisfying lives. Education provides a massive foundation for meritorious kids to fulfil their dreams and achieve success in life. 

Technology has emerged as a critical pillar for creating a healthier future. By leveraging its power, we can create a world in which everyone can prosper. So, on this “World Health Day,” we all at the Shiv Nadar Foundation celebrated the young pioneers who are showing us direction towards a better tomorrow with the help of transformative health-tech innovations.

“World Health Day” is celebrated to create awareness of a certain health issue and highlight a World Health Organization priority area of concern. Shiv Nadar University, which is located in Delhi, NCR, is a Shiv Nadar Foundation initiative. The gifted students of this university showcased some transformative health-tech innovations that will help us achieve a healthier tomorrow. This university is a leading multidisciplinary, research-focused university, and hence the students here have conducted multiple research projects on health technology. The advancements in the field of health technology they showcased on “World Health Day” were marvelous. 

Shiv Nadar School, a Shiv Nadar Foundation initiative, is a foundation for children's self-discovery. To honor “World Health Day” students here worked on projects focusing on health-tech innovations. Also, workshops on transformative health-teaching innovations were conducted by the teachers to impart more knowledge on this subject.

Mr. Shiv Nadar established the Shiv Nadar Foundation in 1994, aiming to address India's educational difficulties through holistic development and creative teaching methods. The groundwork for children to succeed academically and professionally is being laid by advocating for educational empowerment. The Foundation's commitment to educational excellence not only addresses the issue of illiteracy in India but also builds the groundwork for a more promising future based on merit and builds a sustainable rural development program. The Shiv Nadar Foundation is kindling a passion for science among next-generation leaders.

Akhil sharma
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