AI Products 
Impact Recovery
Rebounding Bollard Sign Post

Create a resilient handicap parking bollard that is strong enough to eliminate traditional wheel stops. This bollard kit comes complete with a rebounding metal bollard, a signpost, HDPE sign, brackets, and anchors. Our SlowStop® rebounding bollard technology will prevent damage to the sign and vehicles as well as surrounding concrete. Merely install on a concrete pad, provide foam to pour inside the steel bollard and forget about damaged signposts and vehicles.

Meets IBC 1607.8.3 requirements to resist 6,000 pounds of force at 27” height.

Also available with van accessible sign face and without placard (with brackets) as a plain signpost.

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  • Color Options: Yellow
  • Reflective Sheeting Color: White
  • Height Options: 78", 102"
  • Additional Plastic Bollard Cover Options: Yellow, White, Tan, Red, Orange, Light Grey, Grey, Green, Brown, Blue, Black, Bright Green, Federal Yellow

Create a resilient handicap parking bollard that is strong enough to eliminate traditional wheel stops. This bollard kit comes complete with a rebounding metal bollard, a signpost, HDPE sign, brackets, and anchors. Our SlowStop® rebounding bollard technology will prevent damage to the sign and vehicles as well as the surrounding concrete. https://www.impactrecovery.com/product/rebounding-bollard-sign-post/

Work Zone Safety

In honor of Work Zone Safety Week, we wanted to take a moment to highlight the importance of work zone safety products. Given the rise of construction projects around the nation, it’s important to install innovative products that are going to protect drivers, pedestrians, and construction workers on the road. 

According to an annual report from the NSC, in 2021 there was a total of 954 fatal crashes in work zones on roadways all over the United States. A total of 42,151 people were injured in work zone incidents. With an increase of construction zones nationally, it is important to take precautionary measures to avoid these disastrous outcomes. Impact Recovery offers an array of work zone safety products to protect not only the drivers on the road but the construction workers on site as well.

vertical panels - Work Zone Safety

Work zone vertical panels will help alert drivers to lane closures, channelized traffic, and opposing traffic lanes. These vertical panels are extremely durable and have the ability to remain upright when impacted.

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In-street flagger warning signs signal to drivers that they should obey the flagger ahead and approach the work zone with caution, as there are workers on-site. These signs are vital for the protection of workers because they can increase the visibility of people in the road and decrease the chances of an accident. 

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Chevron panels provide high visibility and warn drivers of potential hazards ahead. They are commonly used to alert drivers around sharp changes in road alignment and warn them of slowing down.

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Lastly, our work zone opposing traffic lane divider helps increase the safety of work zones where traffic flow changes may become confusing to motorists. They are highly visible when placed on the centerlines, informing motorists of lane division and two-way traffic operations to help avoid collisions. 

Remember to always drive with caution through work zones, and mark hazards and work zone areas accordingly.

Impact Recovery
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