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Top Three Hair Transplant Techniques For Restoring Hair Growth

DMC Trichology
Top Three Hair Transplant Techniques For Restoring Hair Growth

Hair transplant surgery has emerged as an effective solution for those struggling with hair loss. The procedure restores hair growth in areas affected by hair thinning or baldness. This surgical procedure involves transplanting hair follicles from one body area, typically from the back or side of the scalp(donor site), to thin or bald areas (recipient area). Dr. Nandini Dadu, a leading hair transplant doctor, is widely renowned for performing the best hair transplant in India. She offers the three most effective hair transplant techniques at DMC Trichology Clinic for restoring hair. 

Let us take a closer look at those three hair transplant techniques.

What are the Techniques for Hair Transplant?

Following are the three main hair transplant techniques performed at DMC Trichology Clinic:

1. FUT Hair Transplant

The Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) procedure involves extracting a linear strip of hair follicles from the donor area. Individual follicles are taken from the strip, and the prepared grafts are placed in the recipient area. The procedure requires stitches in the donor region and may result in a scar.

2. FUE Hair Transplant

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) involves harvesting follicles on the head individually. In this procedure, the hair transplant surgeon extracts hair follicles from healthy areas of the scalp and makes incisions on the recipient areas. Then, they implant the grafts with these incisions using specialized tools. Depending on the severity of hair loss and the availability of donor areas, the patient might require one or more sessions.

3. DMC Golden Touch

This is DMC Trichology's exclusive hair restoration procedure. It involves FUE extraction and an advanced technique, i.e., direct hair implantation (DHI). This painless procedure provides natural-looking results with precision, no scarring, and swift recovery.

Visit DMC Trichology ClinicTo Benefit From a Hair Transplant 

If one is looking for the best hair transplant clinic in Delhi, one can visit DMC Trichology Clinic. The expert hair transplant surgeon, Dr. Nandini Dadu, offers hair transplant costs ranging from Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 1,80,000 at the clinic. The cost varies depending on the procedure performed and the number of grafts. 

Visit the clinic today for more details on hair transplant techniques or their cost. The Centres are located at Rajouri Garden (West Delhi) and Vasant Vihar (South Delhi).

DMC Trichology
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