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What Are Dental Implants?

Thomas Thomas
What Are Dental Implants?

What Are Dental Implants?

Missing teeth can significantly affect your oral health, appearance, and confidence. Fortunately, dental implants offer a solution that feels and looks natural.

A dental implant is a two-part system comprising a metal post and a crown. The titanium metal post is surgically placed into the jawbone, where it fuses over time, providing a robust foundation for the crown. The crown, attached to the metal post, resembles a natural tooth and functions like one, allowing you to eat, talk, and smile confidently, knowing your artificial teeth look and feel real.

Dental Implants Treatment Procedure

Step 1: Oral Examination Your journey to dental implants begins with a visit to your dentist. During this appointment, the dentist will thoroughly examine your mouth to determine if you're a suitable candidate for the procedure.

Step 2: Bone Graft (Optional) If your jawbone is too thin, a bone graft may be necessary to ensure the implant has a solid structure to remain secure. This procedure involves transplanting a small piece of bone into your jaw, requiring some time to heal.

Step 3: Healing Time Healing after a bone graft can take three to twelve months, depending on the individual. This period is crucial for the implant to fuse with the surrounding tissues and jawbone.

Step 4: Implant Placement Once healed from the bone graft, the next step is implant placement. This surgical procedure involves inserting a titanium screw into the jawbone, acting as the root of the artificial tooth. Healing from this step can take up to six months.

Step 5: Crown and Abutment Placement After your jaw has accepted the implant and fully healed, the final step is placing the crown and abutment. The temporary crown is removed, and a connector (abutment) is inserted to connect the crown to the root, completing your dental implants.

Benefits of Dental Implants

  • Versatility: Dental implants can replace missing teeth in various situations.
  • Stability and Comfort: Unlike dentures and bridges, implants are anchored firmly in the jawbone, providing a stable, comfortable fit.
  • Improved Speech: Implants allow for clear speech without the risk of a lisp or slur.
  • No Dietary Restrictions: Enjoy your favorite foods without worrying about damaging your replacement teeth.
  • Natural Appearance: Implants blend seamlessly with your natural teeth, giving you a beautiful, natural-looking smile.
  • Good for Oral Health: Implants help preserve the jawbone and keep your teeth properly aligned, improving overall oral health.
  • Low Maintenance: Highly durable and low maintenance, dental implants are a long-lasting solution for missing teeth.

Dental Implant Services in Abu Dhabi

Thomas Dental Centre is your partner for top-quality dental implant services in Abu Dhabi. Our dental implant solutions offer a permanent way to replace missing teeth, providing you with a natural-looking, functional smile. Ready to reclaim your smile's beauty and functionality? Schedule a consultation with our dental implant specialists today.

For more information, visit our website: Thomas Dental Centre.

Thomas Thomas
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