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7 Ways to Have a Better Control of Your Financial Life

Myloans Click
7 Ways to Have a Better Control of Your Financial Life

Managing your money can be difficult. It is challenging and stressful too. Not only do you have to stash away money for a rain day, but you also need to plan for your retirement. The pay rise is not as much as the rise in rates of inflation. As a result, the buying power of people is sharply plummeting. The internet is flooded with too much information on budgeting, investing and saving. But unfortunately that information is not proving to be beneficial to many people.

If you are one of those looking to simplify their financial life, you need to come up with a strategy that helps achieve your goals. here are some proven ways to have a better control of your finances:

·        Track your spending

“Understanding where your money is going is the first step to take to be on top of your finances,” said John Brown, the financial advisor of MyLoansClick. “Use a budgeting method or a manual spreadsheet to keep tabs on your outgoings but be consistent with your efforts.” Set a monthly spending limit so you know how much your budget allows you to spend. Budgeting apps can notify you as you are closer to that limit.


Tracking is not enough. You will have to accommodate your budget to your current financial condition. Cut back on inessential expenses. Every month you will have to set a new budget because expenses cannot be the same.

·        Automate savings

Savings are crucial as they help tide you over during a rainy day. They include special purpose savings along with an emergency cushion. For instance, if you want to renovate your house, you will have to stow away money for it. You can take out an unsecured home improvement loan in case you fall short of cash, but savings will prevent you from falling under the debt burden.

Open a savings account and link it to your pay account. Set up the direct debit so money is automatically pulled from your pay account and transferred to your savings account. it will keep you free from the hassle of transferring funds.

·        Consolidate shopping errands

Each trip – whether it is to a grocery store or the work place – is subject to some sort of costs. When you have to make multiple rips, make sure you complete all errands together. For instance, if you have to buy clothes and some groceries, you can manage shopping of both things together. It will help save money on fuel. Buy all necessities in one trip so you do not have to make trips to the grocery store every so often. Make big purchases for household items like toiletry products. They do not go off soon. Shop for clothes seasonally twice a year.

·        Set up auto pay

Forgotten payments can add fees. You will bear serious consequences if you fall behind on a debt payment. Your credit score will plummet and interest penalties will quickly add up the cost of the debt. In order to avoid being caught in the cycle of late payment fees, you should set up auto pay. The auto pay system for bills, utilities and subscriptions will keep you away from the stress and fear of forgetting the due dates. However, you must ensure that your account has a sufficient balance to meet payments.

·        Do not keep multiple credit cards

“Credit cards can help you build credit and earn rewards, but the problem with them is that they can throw you into debt,” said John. “They are extremely convenient to use for any purchase, and as a result, you max out your credit card balance.” You should be careful of your spending limit while using your credit card. Make sure you do not buy more than you can actually afford to pay when the bill is generated.

Credit cards are expensive debt. You should use them with caution even if you use it for emergencies. Use cash for your purchases if you lose the track of your spending. For emergencies you should rely on 24 hour loans Ireland.

·        Find frugal ways to have fun

Entertainment does not have to be expensive because there are various affordable ways. Look for community events and public spaces. Go to the museum when entries are free of cost. A picnic in the park is also a good way to entertain yourself.

·        Avoid car dealership financing

Do you want to by a car? Dealership financing should be avoided as it will cost you more money than auto loans from direct lenders. You should carefully weigh up your options to save your money.

The final thought

The aforementioned ways can significantly lower your stress and help you manage your finances in a more effective way. You do not need to overhaul your lifestyle but you simply need to make incremental changes.


Description: You can have a better control of your financial life by tracking your spending, automating savings, setting up an auto pay, and choosing frugal ways to have fun.

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