Why planning your online classes helps you as a teacher and as an entrepreneurPlanning your classes online will help you grow in these two worlds that are connected:Growing up in the entrepreneur's world will help you find more studentsGrowing up in the world of the teacher will help you to retain more students.This is the mathematical formula: good plans = more classes.Advantages for day to day as a teacher in your online classesThe relationship is simple to understand: if you offer a better teaching experience as a teacher, you will offer a better learning experience to your students.Or what is the same: if you plan your classes better, you will become a "better" teacher .Advantage 1: It offers you a broader view of the set and you prepare classes in less timePlanning well comes with a pack in which you get a "microscope" and a "telescope".The microscope will offer you an analytical view of your classes , piece by piece, element by element, segment by segment; the telescope will offer you a holistic view of what role your current class fulfills in relation to the others .If you have ever felt lost in a class because you do not even know where to start it, it means you do not have it well planned:You do not know how it is structured internallyYou do not know how it is integrated externally.Consequently, not knowing what elements form it or what role it fulfills in relation to others, you take more time than necessary to prepare your classes.Advantage 2: Allows you to anticipate problems and take the initiative when they appearTaking a planned class does not ensure you avoid all unforeseen events , but you will reduce them and arrive to class with a strategic plan to deal with them when they arise.In other words, planning your online classes allows you to foresee in what moments there is more possibility of what appears unforeseen and, if it appears, to have more resources to follow an action plan with which to solve it.Advantage 3: It offers you a line of criteria when selecting and creating materialYou will never lack material to take to your classes.
The Internet and the hundreds of manuals that have been published to date make it very easy for you : you have material to spare .Now ... do you really have to bring all the material you find to your classes?
What kind of criteria do you follow when selecting and creating activities?Planning your classes online offers you a line of criteria when selecting and creating your OWN materials .
I say OWN because, in short, what you plan with should fit your own class, your own student (s) and YOUR job as a teacher.Advantage 4: Allows you to change the rhythm of a classDue to various extra-academic factors, it is possible that a class develops with a low level of energy .In the same way, in certain moments of a class there are also ups and downs of energy that you will not be able to control 100%.Planning your Online homework help allows you to visualize when these ups and downs can occur and take action on the matter either:Elaborating a correct sequencing and avoiding violating certain internal rules that all planning has to fulfill so that a class does not become "heavy",Using small "caffeine pills" in the form of gamified activities called warmers .Advantages for day-to-day as an entrepreneur in your businessAll the above advantages are already ensuring a solid teaching / learning experience for you to trust your student and hire more classes.
Something like "wow, what a good teacher you are.
"Now, behind all this also hides the world of the entrepreneur who has been working to make the previous scenario a reality.