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How To Take Care of Teeth with Braces

David Edgar
How To Take Care of Teeth with Braces

The role of braces is to align your crooked teeth. As a result, you get a beautiful and confident smile. But if you do not care for your teeth during this treatment, these aligners will not work effectively. Thus, it is crucial to maintain them and take precautionary steps. Further in this blog, you will discover the maintenance tips for your teeth. You will also uncover the foods that need to be avoided. As a result, the braces will work as intended. Let us begin our exploration.

Here are the tips to care for your teeth:

1- Brush regularly 

It is a good idea to brush two times a day. You need to choose a soft brush. Plus, select a fluoride toothpaste. You have to brush gently in a circular motion. Ensure the brush reaches every corner of the braces and cleans it. Repeat this process until every part is cleaned thoroughly.

2- Mouthwash and floss 

Even if you brush thoroughly, you cannot reach between each spot between your teeth. Thus, you can use floss once a day. Flossing will get in between teeth and can remove food particles. However, some spots need extra attention, so make sure you clean them well.

3- Water Pik 

This is the best way to clean your teeth with Braces in Lafayette CO. You might need time to adjust to this routine. However, you will love using it once you learn how to use it. With this tool, removing stubborn food particles is easy. If flossing and bruising miss any particles, this will clean them.

Foods to avoid while wearing the braces

If the braces no longer stick to your teeth, it might not work as intended. As a result, your teeth will not get aligned properly. To avoid this issue, you need to take precautionary steps. 

These foods need to be avoided:

1- Hard foods 

These foods require effort to chew. Foods such as nuts and bagels can be left between the Braces in Lafayette CO. So, it is best to avoid them.

2- Sticky foods 

Foods that can stick to the tooth surfaces need to be avoided completely. They tend to stay for a longer time. Some examples include chewing gums and caramel.

3- Processed and sugar foods

Beverages and candies can cause demineralization. As a result, it can cause decay. Thus, an Orthodontist in Lafayette CO advises to avoid eating these foods. 


David Edgar
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