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8 Effective Ways to Measure the Performance of Your Sales Outreach Emails in 2024

stellan kin
8 Effective Ways to Measure the Performance of Your Sales Outreach Emails in 2024

For every organization, sales-related activities are crucial. In this article, we have specifically discussed sales outreach emails and some of the effective ways of measuring your sales outreach emails in 2024.

A survey revealed that almost 80% of people like to get contacted by sales representatives through emails.

Sales outreach emails play a significant role in increasing your business revenue. However, it is important for you to know if your sales outreach emails are running on the right track. Otherwise, they will never be able to give you the desired results.

Here comes the need for measuring the performance of your sales outreach emails based on certain performance metrics. Before digging deep into the main subject, let us help you understand the concept of sales outreach and sales outreach emails.

What is sales outreach?

The concept of sales outreach signifies an approach in which company sales representatives connect with the people who they think might have an interest in the products their company sells.

Sales representatives usually get in touch with potential customers through emails with the objective to begin a conversation.

What are sales outreach emails?

Sales outreach emails are emails that are sent to leads to encourage them to interact.

Sometimes the term “Cold email outreach” is also used to define sales outreach emails. Before sending such emails you as a salesperson need to do the following:

  • Make a list of your potential customers. 
  • Find out their contact details. 
  • Create a personalized email body to grab attention.

Once you start sending sales outreach emails, it is important for you to know if they are working for you or not. To figure out if the type of content you are using in your emails is right for your audiences or not or if your sales outreach emails are generating the desired results, you need to keep your eyes on various aspects.

These aspects will guide you in choosing the right path in your journey of sending sales outreach emails. Keep reading the article to find them out.

What is the difference between email outreach and marketing emails?

It might be confusing for you to differentiate between email outreach and marketing emails especially if you are a beginner in this field as both of the marketing activities involve emails.

However, both the concepts are different. Email marketing is targeted to the people who have either purchased your products or have signed up on your website. On the other hand, sales outreach emails are forwarded to your potential customers who are not familiar with you or your brand.

If you want to improve your email marketing strategies for events, read this article to get a detailed guide “A comprehensive guide to email marketing for events in 2024”

Pro tip: If you use email marketing for your events exposure online, you can rely on the WP Event Manager CRM addons that include:

These addons help you automate your email marketing process and also allow you to send personalized emails to your subscribers.

8 effective ways to measure the performance of sales outreach emails in 2024

Here are some of the most effective ways that will help you measure the performance of your sales outreach emails in 2024:

1. Bounce rate

Email bounce rate refers to the percentage of your sent emails that have not been delivered for some reasons. A high bounce rate can harm your brand image as a sender.

A high bounce rate indicates the following issues:

  • Invalid recipient’s email address. 
  • The recipient’s inbox might be full. 
  • Your emails are going into the spam folder. 
  • Issues related to the recipient’s email server.

You can follow the below-mentioned method to generate your email bounce rate: (Number of bounced emails / Number of emails sent) x 100.

Here are some of the ways you can reduce your bounce rate:

  • Update your email list regularly to maintain a neat and clean email list. 
  • Verify email addresses by asking your prospects to confirm their email ids. 
  • Make sure you send a few emails to your team’s mail accounts to test and determine if your newsletters are working properly. 
  • Don’t forget to check your email deliverability before sending them to your prospects.

We hope you can decrease your email bounce rate to a great extent by using these above mentioned techniques.

2. List growth rate

The list growth rate indicates the rate at which your email list is increasing. It shows the effectiveness of your emails as a positive result points toward development and a negative one suggests a decline.

To calculate the result here is the formula that you need:

List growth rate = [number of new subscribers – (Number of unsubscribers + spam complaints) / Total number of email IDs you have on your email list] * 100.

To maintain a consistent growth, you can consider the following:

  • Filter your email list regularly to remove the unresponsive email addresses. 
  • Use powerful and engaging content that can not be ignored. 
  • Personalize your emails.

A positive growth rate is essential to achieve overall business growth.

3. Open rate

The open rate shows the rate at which your email recipients open the emails that you send to them. Here, the subject line you use in each of your emails plays a major role because that is the first thing that an email receiver notices in your emails.

Use the following formula to find out the open rate of your sales outreach emails: The open rate of your sales outreach emails = (Total number of emails read ÷ Number of emails you sent) x 100%.

To track your email open rate, you can compare your open rate with your industry average. Don’t worry even if the result is within the average but you always have the scope to improve it to exceed the industry average.

Consider the following tips to improve your open rate:

  • Use creative and irresistible subject lines. 
  • Find out the right time to send the emails. 
  • Categorize your email list based on their location, interests, age group and more to personalize emails. 
  • Test your emails within your team and keep on experimenting until you find the best one.

4. Unsubscribe rate

The unsubscribe rate gives you a clear picture of the percentage of email receivers who unsubscribe themselves from your email list to stop receiving further emails from you.

The formula to calculate the unsubscribe rate is mentioned below: (The number of unsubscribers / total number of delivered emails) * 100.

Having a low unsubscribe rate means your sales outreach emails are on the right track.

5. Reply rate

When it comes to cold emails, the reply rate shows the percentage of email recipients who give answers to your emails.

The method to figure out the reply rate is mentioned below:

Email reply rate = (total number of recipients who replied to your emails / total number of sent emails) * 100.

Some tips to increase your email reply rate include the following:

  • Target the right people. 
  • Check the email body content and make sure it carries transparency and clarity.

It is crucial for you to ensure that your sales outreach emails have a good reply rate.

6. Conversion rate

Your email conversion rate reveals the rate of qualified prospects who have responded and taken steps to push the deal further by showing interest in scheduling a meeting, asking for the pricing details of your products or services, and more.

This is one of the most prominent sales outreach email metrics.

Here is the formula to generate the conversion rate of your cold emails: (Total number of conversion÷ sent emails) x 100.

Consider the following tips to improve your conversion rate:

  • Do not overwhelm your email recipients with your monotonous and generalized emails as they do nothing but only occupy space in their inboxes. 
  • Divide your email list into different segments to personalize them. 
  • Test your emails. 
  • Add a prominent call to action button.

Try out the above mentioned tips to improve your conversion rate through cold emails.

7. Clickthrough rate

The click-through rate determines the number of recipients who have taken an action after receiving your email like clicking on the link you sent or the Call to action button. It adds clarity to the effectiveness of your sales outreach emails. Find out your email click through percentage with the following formula: (Number of clicks÷Number of sent emails) x 100.

8. Spam complaint rate

The spam complaint rate gives you the number of email recipients who have marked your sales outreach emails as spam after receiving them in their inboxes.

Note: these emails are not related to the emails that get delivered directly in the Spam folder of the recipient’s mailbox.

The formula to get the Spam complaint rate is: (total number of spam complaints / the total number of sent emails) * 100.

If you notice that your emails are often reported as spam by the recipient, you need to take immediate action to reduce the problem. Otherwise, it may harm your company’s reputation.

Wrapping up

Every sales activity is important for every company. If you want to get better responses on your sales outreach emails, then it is crucial for you to measure their performances. This helps you an idea on the areas where you need improvements. Track your sales outreach email performance based on the above mentioned metrics and take steps accordingly.

stellan kin
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