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Things you must know before old house renovation

Ankka Kitchens
Things you must know before old house renovation

You must have thousands of memories in your old house. Thus, maintaining it properly is important. It allows you to relive those happy memories. Renovating a house is not that easy as there are various things that goes behind the walls. The prime reason for these troubles is changes in construction standards and codes. Planning for an old house renovation? Consider top things in advance. Read this article to know about such things. So, here we go! 

1. The walls might be toxic

Dangerous compounds are present in many older properties. Naturally, these substances were not known to be hazardous when they were constructed, and they still aren't until they are released into the atmosphere during restorations or destruction or through surfaces that are broken.

For instance, asbestos is commonly found in textured paint, steam pipes, spray-on insulation, and floor tiles in homes constructed prior to the 1980s. Asbestos can be released into the air during renovations or when old insulation is torn down, harming the lungs of anyone working in the home or residing there.

2. Mold and mildew is spreading

Older homes have higher chances of moisture issues because of unreported leaks and improperly fixed flooding. It may also be a result of water damage. As a result, mould or mildew may be present. It is mainly found in basements and other dark areas. The likelihood of mould and mildew is increased if the house you are remodelling is close to the seaside or is located in an area with high humidity.

Mould and mildew can create health issues, especially for people with respiratory conditions or allergies; at the absolute least, they can produce unpleasant odours and cause decay, even though the risk is lower than that of lead or asbestos. Mold spreads quickly and is resistant to natural removal. 

3. Inability to meet current building codes

An old house renovation will require a new roof. The average lifespan of even quality roofs is fifty years. In addition, wooden shingles, which are prone to fire, leaks, and mould, were frequently used in the construction of historic homes' roofs.

There's also a significant probability that the roof needs to be changed in order to meet the most recent building rules, which outline the materials, thicknesses, and construction techniques to guarantee durability and safety. These requirements vary depending on the year the house was built. An ancient roof was probably fine in its day, but it didn't meet the most recent regulations.

4. The foundation is unstable.

Any property can develop foundation cracks. However, older homes tend to experience foundation problems. A foundation may develop cracks due to different factors. These include: 

Inadequate construction

Tree roots


Drainage problems

Furthermore, the brick foundations found under many older homes are not as sturdy and long-lasting as the concrete foundations found under more recent construction.

Wrapping up

Old house renovation is a hectic process. If you are spotting these signs, get in touch with a professional for the best services. 

Ankka Kitchens
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