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Yang Hyo jin, Who Unclogged Blood


막힌 혈 뚫은 양효진…현대건설, 도로공사 완파하고 1위로 :: 문화일보 munhwa

Yang Hyo-jin, Who Unclogged Blood… Hyundai Engineering & Construction Completely Defeats Road Construction and Takes First Place

Professional volleyball team Hyundai Engineering & Construction, led by Yang Hyo-jin's one-man show performance, completely defeated Korea Expressway Corporation and rose to first place.

Hyundai Engineering & Construction won against Korea Road Corporation with a set score of 3-1 (19-25 25-21 25-23 25-22) in the Dodram 2023-2024 V-League Women's home game held at Suwon Gymnasium on the 25th.

Hyundai Engineering & Construction, with 3 points, took the lead with 3 wins, 1 loss, and 10 points, overtaking Heungkuk Life Insurance (3 wins, 8 points).

The Korea Expressway Corporation fell into three consecutive losses after the opening and was unable to get out of 6th place.

Hyundai Engineering & Construction had a bad start. 바카라사이트

In the first set, foreign player Moma Basoko Letizia (registered name: Moma) had little strength.

Perhaps because Mo Ma was less fit, his first set attack success rate was only 21.43%.

On the other hand, the road construction company led the attack with foreign player Banya Bukiric (registered name: Bukiric) and Asian quarter player Tanacha Suksot (registered name: Tanacha) combining for 11 points.

Hyundai Engineering & Construction, which lost the first set 19-25, showed strength from the second set.

As both wing attacks were not successful, points were accumulated in the center.

Middle blockers Yang Hyo-jin and Da-hyeon Lee led the attack by combining for 11 points in the second set.

Yang Hyo-jin showed an overwhelming advantage in height, including two blocks in the second set.

Hyundai Engineering & Construction easily took the second set to 25-21, balancing the set score at 1-1.

In the third set, the dam, which had faltered, came back to life.

MoMA showed a different side by displaying explosive offensive power in the front and rear.

MoMA pushed Korea Expressway Corporation by scoring 10 points in the third set alone.

Hyundai Engineering & Construction, which came back with a set score of 2-1 thanks to MoMA's performance, finished the game in the 4th set.

It wasn't easy to win.

Hyundai Engineering & Construction gave up 4 consecutive points at 20-16 in the 4th set, allowing the score to be tied 20-20.

At this time, Yang Hyo-jin showed strength.

He succeeded in making a quick attack in the center and put the brakes on Korea Expressway Corporation's pursuit.

Afterwards, at the end of the rally, Yang Hyo-jin once again broke through the opponent's blocking wall with a central quick attack and scored a golden score.

Yang Hyo-jin’s performance continued.

He scored again with a hard hit from the center.

Yang Hyo-jin again raised the score at 23-21 with a quick break through the center.

Hyundai Engineering & Construction, which widened the score gap thanks to Yang Hyo-jin's performance, ended the game at 24-22 with MoMA completing the attack.

Yang Hyo-jin scored 23 points, the most in the team, including 4 blocks on this day.

MoMA combined their efforts with 22 points, and Kim Joo-hyang also contributed to the victory with 11 points.

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