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Smart Integration of SOS feature in Telehealth App

i-medicus Telehealth Services
Smart Integration of SOS feature in Telehealth App

Worldwide, multiple new trends are emerging in the healthcare industry. Investors are focusing on creating an advanced healthcare app that leverages all the top facilities and the latest trends to provide more care to patients. Although the Telehealth service itself is revolutionizing the healthcare industry, advanced technology needs advanced features. Let’s discuss the latest trends in SOS integration in healthcare apps to provide instant service for patients in need. Many people are unaware of this innovative feature, which can benefit both patients and doctors and save millions of lives worldwide.

What is the SOS Feature?

The SOS button is an intelligent assistant feature in the Healthcare app that can fasten and ease the lives of patients in need. It’s like a small button through which a patient can call out doctors for help in a bad situation. With the help of an SOS button, a patient in need can access the nearby hospital and can also send an alert notification to the nearby ambulance. It will help them get immediate assistance and patients can reach the nearby hospital within time. 

As of now, multiple healthcare facilities understand the need for the SOS feature, but they are unsure about its correct usability. So, let’s discuss the need and other aspects of SOS features in healthcare applications.

Why do Healthcare apps need an SOS feature? 

Many investors question why they need an SOS feature and AI in telehealth apps and how it can benefit them for their business and patient engagement. If you look at the practical status of the SOS feature, this is more than a business model as it provides instant assistance and can save the lives of people in danger. In addition, if you look at the business perspective of investing in an SOS integration, it can help investors in multiple ways.

Original Blog Source: https://i-medicus.com/blog/smart-integration-of-sos-feature-in-telehealth-app

i-medicus Telehealth Services
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