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Horizontal Autoclave/Net Weight-2000 kg

Scarlett Labexpo
Horizontal Autoclave/Net Weight-2000 kg

Labexpo Horizontal Laboratory Autoclave is a robust and advanced sterilization solution, ideal for large-scale laboratory applications. With an impressive 1500-liter capacity, this double-door autoclave is designed to meet the most demanding sterilization requirements. It operates at a sterilization temperature of 139°C, ensuring effective disinfection of various instruments and materials.

Equipped with a sophisticated microprocessor control system, the autoclave allows for precise monitoring and regulation of the sterilization process. Users can easily track and adjust critical parameters using the intuitive digital LCD display, which provides real-time updates on the working status and conditions within the chamber. This ensures that the sterilization process is not only efficient but also reliable and safe.

Safety is a top priority with the Labexpo Horizontal Laboratory Autoclave. The autoclave features an auto door lock mechanism that activates under raised pressure conditions, preventing the door from being opened until the internal pressure drops to a safe level of 0.027 MPa. This is complemented by an automatic shutoff feature, which safeguards against system overload and includes an alarm to alert users in case of low water levels, preventing potential damage and ensuring continuous operation.

The autoclave operates at a sterilization pressure of 0.25 MPa, with steam consumption at 50 kg and water consumption at 350 kg, making it highly efficient for large-volume sterilization tasks. It requires a steam pressure of 0.4 to 0.6 MPa and a water source pressure of 0.2 to 0.3 MPa, with compressed air pressure maintained between 0.6 and 0.8 MPa for optimal performance.

The inner chamber dimensions of 1900 × 680 × 1180 mm are housed within outer dimensions of 2190 × 1450 × 1950 mm, providing ample space for a variety of items. Despite its large capacity, the autoclave is designed to fit seamlessly into various laboratory environments. It weighs 2000 kg, reflecting its sturdy construction and durability.

Powered by a 4 kW power supply, the autoclave features a motorized or sliding door equipped with pneumatic sealing, which ensures that no sterile steam is lost during operation. This combination of advanced safety features and user-friendly design makes the Labexpo Horizontal Laboratory Autoclave an ideal choice for laboratories seeking a reliable and efficient sterilization solution.

Scarlett Labexpo
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