Louis Vuitton is a symbol of expert craftsmanship and the highest quality product, the brand which is owned by one of the richest families in the world Bernard Arnault & family has something unique to it that entices all. Louis Vuitton offers a wide range of bags in all shapes and sizes ranging from handbags, shoulder and cross-body bags, evening bags, totes, mini bags, clutches, and backpacks, which are wardrobe essentials for men and women who have a taste for premium bags.
It is easier to buy luxury bags, but rather difficult to preserve them in pristine condition over the years. We at De Leather Craft have over two decades of experience in repairing luxury handbags, our leather craftsmen understand the brand-specific repair and cleaning requirements of Louis Vuitton bags making them brand new once again. At our state-of-the-art workshop, we are equipped with innovative technology and precision tools that leave behind no visible signs of repair. We use the same monogrammed LV leather for repairs and import original branded hardware when repairing your bag.
We specialize in the following Louis Vuitton bag repair services –
- Louis Vuitton Bag Strap Replacement – A bag strap bears all the weight and with time it might get worn out or broken. De Leather Craft offers a complete Louis Vuitton bag strap replacement that adds life to your favorite bag. You can choose to go with the original strap or select a different one that upgrades the look of your handbag.
- Louis Vuitton Zipper Replacement – Zippers are essential hardware and are integral for its functioning, when damaged it is better to replace it with a new one. Our expert craftsmen replace the zipper of your Louis Vuitton bag with the same hardware that comes with your bag, and with delicate precision, making it impossible to notice the replaced zipper.
- Louis Vuitton Purse Repair – Purses are small and complex, making them difficult to repair. Our expert craftsmen have a keen eye for detailing and ensure your Louis Vuitton purse is restored to its former glory while preserving its authenticity.
- Louis Vuitton Bag Cleaning – Premium products require specialized cleaning procedures to prevent them from damage. We use imported chemicals and cleaning agents which gives your bag a brand new look and feel once again.
- Louis Vuitton Bag Restoration – Do you own a piece of history preserved by generations, that is in futile condition at the moment? Worry not, our curated Louis Vuitton bag restoration services help bring this piece of history back to life. From color restoration, mold removal, to fixing its shape and hardware we will make sure you get a perfect-looking vintage LV bag to flaunt.
Count on De Leather Craft for your Louis Vuitton bag repairs –
It is difficult to trust anyone when it comes to repairing your priceless possessions especially the handbags of women, which are delicate and require specialists to bring them back to their former glory.
Expert Craftsmen - Our leather craftsmen have worked at Louis Vuitton repair centers and are well aware of the brand-specific procedures. We make sure your handbag gets the right care delivered by expert professionals.
Services in time – We at De Leather Craft are committed to excellence in our services and make it a priority to deliver your repaired LV bags before the promised time. At our workshop, we use cutting-edge technology that makes sure you get quality repairs on time.
Home Delivery & Pick-up -The brand currently has its presence only across Delhi, Mumbai, and Banglore, which makes it difficult to access the repair services. We offer home pick-up and drop-off service across PAN India, so wherever you are your Louis Vuitton bag repair is just a call away.
Cost Effective – Getting your premium handbags repaired by experts can dig a hole in your pocket, well we offer cost-effective repair solutions as compared to the brand's repair solutions. We at De Leather Craft maintain the highest standards of quality, comparable to the LV repair workshops.