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2 Common Types of Fractures and Their Treatments

Dr. Vivek Tiwari
2 Common Types of Fractures and Their Treatments

Fractures, or broken bones, are a common injury that can happen to anyone at any age. They occur when there is a break in the continuity of the bone, and can range from a small crack to a complete break. While some fractures may heal on their own with proper rest and care, others may require medical treatment. In this blog post, we will discuss two common types of fractures and their treatments, specifically focusing on the best fracture treatment in Bhopal.

1) Closed Fracture

A closed fracture, also known as a simple fracture, is when the bone breaks but does not penetrate the skin. This is the most common type of fracture and can be caused by a fall, a direct blow, or an indirect force. Symptoms of a closed fracture include pain, swelling, bruising, and difficulty moving the affected area.

The best fracture treatment for a closed fracture in Bhopal is typically immobilization with a cast or splint. This helps to keep the bone in place while it heals. The duration of immobilization depends on the severity of the fracture, but it usually takes around 6-8 weeks for a complete recovery. In some cases, surgery may be required to realign the bones and secure them with metal plates or screws.

2) Open Fracture

An open fracture, also known as a compound fracture, is when the broken bone pierces through the skin. This type of fracture is more severe and has a higher risk of infection due to the open wound. It can be caused by a high-impact injury such as a car accident or a fall from a great height. Symptoms of an open fracture include visible bone, bleeding, severe pain, and swelling.

Also Read: Orthopedist in Bhopal

The best fracture treatment for an open fracture in Bhopal is immediate medical attention. The wound will need to be cleaned and dressed to prevent infection, and the bone will need to be realigned and stabilized with surgery. Antibiotics may also be prescribed to prevent infection. After surgery, the patient will need to wear a cast or splint for several weeks to allow the bone to heal.

Dr. Vivek Tiwari
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