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Understanding Laser Treatment for Retinal Tears

Ralph M. Jones
Understanding Laser Treatment for Retinal Tears

A retinal tear is a serious ailment that needs to be treated the soonest. Otherwise, they may lead to retinal detachment, vision loss, and so forth. The good news is that all is not lost for those who encounter the said condition since they can undergo laser treatment for retinal tear–one of the most effective and safest treatments–that offers a ton of benefits. 

The said treatment is minimally invasive and has become a standard treatment when it comes to managing retinal tears as well as detachments. This write-up aims to provide an extensive understanding of the mentioned laser treatment. Read on. 

Understanding retinal tears

The retina, in simple terms, is a thin tissue layer that is located at the back of the eye. It converts light into electrical signals; signals that are then sent to the brain to be interpreted. Therefore, a retinal tear is a breakage in the retina, which is usually caused by injury, ageing, eye conditions, and so forth. 

When a tear takes place, vitreous or gel-like substance in the eye may seep through the tear. Later on, this may separate the retina from its supporting tissues. Known as retinal detachment, this can lead to vision loss if neglected or left untreated. 

Retinal tear symptoms

Recognizing retinal tear symptoms at their early stages can make a huge difference with regard to treatment outcomes. Below are some symptoms that patients need to be mindful of. 

  • Unexpected increase of floaters

Floaters, or tiny specks or cobweb-like shapes that sometimes drift across the field of vision. It should be noted that a couple of floaters are nothing to be worried about, but a sudden increase may mean that one has a retinal tear. They may be caused by a mass of vitreous gel that may accumulate due to a retinal tear. 

  • Blurry vision

A retinal tear may hamper the appropriate transmission of light signals, and when this happens, it may lead to blurred vision. The magnitude of this condition may change based on its size and location. Some patients may even experience localised blurring, while others may encounter hazy vision. 

  • Eye pain 

Some patients may encounter mild to moderate eye pain or discomfort. It may come in the form of a dull ache or a sensation of intense pressure in the eye area. 

Laser treatment procedure

A laser treatment for retinal tear is usually performed on an outpatient basis. This means that a patient can go home on the day of the procedure. Prior to the procedure, the eye is going to be numbed with the use of anaesthetics. 

Afterward, the patient is going to be seated in front of a machine and the doctor is going to utilise a lens to focus the photocoagulation laser on the retinal tear. The whole thing is usually painless and takes only a couple of minutes. 

Benefits of Laser Treatment

  • Minimally invasive 

Laser treatment for retinal tear is minimally invasive and does not require any form of incisions or stitches. 

  • High success rate 

The said treatment has made a name for itself when it comes to having a high success rate with regard to sealing retinal tear and preventing retinal detachment. 

  • Fast recovery

A vast majority of patients are known to recover quickly and can resume normal activities after a couple of days to weeks. 

  • Preserves vision

Laser treatment, given that it is done properly and with medical supervision can preserve vision by means of retinal detachment prevention. 

Post treatment measures

As mentioned earlier, after undergoing laser treatment, patients can immediately go home. However, they need to religiously follow post-treatment measures to ensure that the benefits are going to be enjoyed to the fullest. Post-treatment care are as follows: 

  • Avoid strenuous activities 

Patients need to avoid strenuous activities that include but are not limited to heavy lifting, arduous workouts, and the like. 

  • Perform follow-up appointments

Follow up appointments with an eye doctor is a little something that patients generally take for granted. This should not be the case since constant monitoring is essential when it comes to the healing process since the tear needs to be appropriately sealed. 

  • Monitor symptoms 

Patients should be mindful with regard to monitoring new symptoms and report them to their doctor as soon as they notice anything that is out of the ordinary. 

Risks and Side Effects

In general, laser treatment is safe, effective, and everything in between. However, it should be noted that it is not a magical procedure and it comes with some potential risks and side effects. 

  • Mild discomfort 

Some individuals may encounter mild discomfort throughout or after the procedure. While this is normal, it is best to inform one’s doctor if symptoms persist. 

  • Blurry vision

Some patients may have temporary blurred vision after undergoing the said procedure. 

  • Rare complications

In rare cases, patients may develop bleeding or infection. Bear in mind that they are rare and very unlikely.

Summing up

Laser treatment for retinal tear has made a name for itself when it comes to preventing retinal detachment and preserving vision. It is safe to say that the minimally invasive nature of the said operation, combined with its safety and success rate, makes it a worthwhile choice for those who want to make sure that their eye health is not compromised in any way.

Ralph M. Jones
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