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How to Remove Black Dot on Your Samsung Phone?

How to Remove Black Dot on Your Samsung Phone?

Samsung is a popular smartphone brand and one of the most popular devices in the world. Despite its popularity, it is not resistant to wear and tear. One of the recurring issues you may come across on your Samsung phone is the appearance of a black spot on the screen. You can get rid of it with the help of Samsung screen repairs.

What is the Black Dot?

Black dots appear on the screen of your phone because of the presence of pixels that do not light up. You will need a Samsung screen replacement in Adelaide by professionals to get rid of them. Although the small dots are harmless, the larger ones may affect the phone display. 

Reasons Why Black Dots Occur

The main cause behind the occurrence of the dots can be a manufacturing defect called a dead pixel. Experts offering Samsung screen repairs in Adelaide take care of the transistor which is behind the formation of dead pixels. They can also be formed because of a transistor that is stuck off-state.

These two situations can create this problem. Therefore, it is necessary to know about them for proper fixes. It may be an issue for you but experts can take care of this. Get in touch with a reputed service provider to get respite from this condition. The pixels are formed when a transistor does not turn off completely. 

These dots can appear in other colours other than black. These can be colours other than the ones that are present on the display. You may need a Samsung screen replacement in Adelaide if the damage is intense. There are software or hardware solutions available as well to remediate this scenario.

How to Get Rid of the Black Spot?

Download the System Updates

First, go to your phone’s settings and go for the software or system updates. If there is an update, you will see a download option. Choose to download the updated version and it may solve the issue. Professionals offering Samsung screen replacement in Adelaide also suggest the same.

Reboot the Phone to Safe Mode

This step will disable all the downloaded applications and load the built-in software. The safe mode will help you understand whether a third-party app is behind the issue. Your aim should be to make the Power menu appear. You can solve it by using the Power key or the ‘Quick Settings’. 

Factory Data Reset

Some Samsung screen repairs in Adelaide involve this step. It is nothing but resetting the Factory data. However, it is important to make a backup of the data to perform this. Remove your SIM card before proceeding with the job. Your final step will be to enter the Samsung account password or lock screen password.

The appearance of black dots on your phone screen can be irritating. You may need the help of specialists skilled in Samsung screen repairs if the dots are visible. Big dots interfere with the display of the smartphone. However, things can get solved fast if you take the assistance of professionals for the solution.

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