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Suffering from Constipation? Get the Best Homeopathic Medicine for Constipation

Excel Pharma

Constipation is a digestive problem characterized by irregular bowel movements or difficulty passing stool. It can be caused by various factors like a lack of physical activity, a low-fibre diet, inadequate fluid intake, certain medications, & medical conditions. Symptoms may include dry, hard stools, abdominal pain, and a feeling of incomplete evacuation. Chronic constipation can especially affect the quality of life and may need lifestyle modifications or medical intervention to manage effectively. If you're experiencing the discomfort of constipation and pursuing a naturalistic solution, homeopathy can be a great help. Homeopathic medicine for constipation can be effective, gentle, and helpful for all age groups. Moreover, Homeopathy for constipation can address and treat the root cause of the disease.

What are the Causes of Constipation?

Below are some common causes of constipation:

Dietary Causes

  • Low Fiber Diet: Lack of adequate dietary fibre from whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.
  • Dehydration: Not drinking adequate sufficient water & other fluids.
  • Excessive Dairy: High consumption of dairy products such as cheese & milk.

Lifestyle Causes

  • Lack of Physical Activity: Lack of exercise and sedentary lifestyle.
  • Ignoring the Urge: Overlooking the urge to pass a stool can cause constipation.

Medical Causes

  • Medications: Certain medicines such as pain relievers, antidepressants, antacids containing aluminium or calcium, & iron supplements.
  • Medical Conditions: Conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, hypothyroidism, diabetes, and Parkinson's disease.
  • Pregnancy: Hormonal imbalances and the strain on the intestines from the growing uterus.

Psychological Causes

  • Stress: Extreme levels of anxiety or stress.
  • Depression: Mental health problems can impact bowel movements.

Other Causes

  • Changes in Routine: Traveling or modifications in everyday routine can disrupt bowel movements.
  • Aging: Gradually metabolism and smaller muscle tone in the digestive tract with age.
  • Laxative Abuse: Overuse of laxatives can cause dependency and exacerbate constipation.

Understanding the cause of constipation is vital for effective treatment and prevention. Homeopathic medicine for constipation is made of natural substances from plants or mineral sources and is safer for both children and pregnant ladies.

Why Choose Excel Pharma for the Best Homeopathic Medicine for Constipation?

Excel Pharma is among the leading manufacturers & suppliers of Homeopathy medication for human & veterinary disorders. At reasonable prices, we offer high-quality Homeopathic medicine for constipation, such as E-Constipation Drops (AKG-04) and E-Constipation Tablets (AKG-75).

  • E-Constipation Drops (AKG-04): This homeopathic medicine is best for managing constipation and helping control complications such as piles, fissures, and fistulas. It offers a permanent solution and provides symptomatic relief without causing any adverse effects on the body.

  • E-Constipation Tablets (AKG-75): At affordable costs, we also provide the best Homeopathic medicine for constipation problems. While this medicine is effective, it should only be taken after consulting a homeopathy consultant. 

We provide online & face-to-face consultations based on the doctor's available time slots and patient preferences. You can also order the best homeopathic medicine for constipation at your preferred address, whether it be your home, workplace, or office.

To learn more about Homeopathy for constipation treatment or to book a consultation with our expert, call us at +91 98155 67678. To order Homeopathic medicines for constipation or any conditions, reach us at +91 9815778575.

Excel Pharma
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