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The Vital Role of Sending Bulk WhatsApp Messages for Customer Engagement

Adam Wilson
The Vital Role of Sending Bulk WhatsApp Messages for Customer Engagement

Bulk WhatsApp sender tools help save time and effort by automating the process to send Bulk WhatsApp messages to a large group of contacts at once. It is an efficient way to engage with customers, clients, or members of a community on the WhatsApp platform.

Sending bulk WhatsApp messages is an effective marketing strategy. You can take advantage of sending Bulk WhatsApp messages, provided they follow WhatsApp guidelines and are useful enough to boost sales.

WhatsApp Bulk suite software has many features such as unlimited messages sending, multi-multimedia message sending, Sleep Control, Speed Control, Delay Control, Numbers Filters, Groups Contacts Grabber, Anti Block Module, etc.

In this blog article, we have elaborated on how to send bulk WhatsApp messages.

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What are Bulk Broadcast WhatsApp Messages?

Bulk Broadcast WhatsApp Messages is the ability to send many messages simultaneously to multiple recipients on WhatsApp. This feature is mostly used by businesses and organizations to reach a wide audience with:

  • Important updates
  • Promotional offers
  • Announcements
  • Or other relevant information

To send WhatsApp bulk messages is a way to send a single message to multiple contacts simultaneously. This functionality is majorly used by businesses to send a message they’d like to reach a larger audience, like sale updates, launch announcements, or other marketing campaigns.

Here are 4 steps you must follow to learn how to send bulk messages on WhatsApp for free:

  • Import a Contact List
  • Create a Message Template
  • Compose your WhatsApp bulk message
  • Send your WhatsApp bulk message

Step 1. Import a Contact List

To send a bulk WhatsApp message, import a contact list that covers all the contacts you want to send your messages. For that, you must have a contact list, or you can create one.

Two options are available here for creating a contact list:

  • Create an Excel sheet or a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file to enlist the planned recipients’ contact numbers. and import them using a CSV importer.
  • You can manually add all the contacts to your WhatsApp one by one.

Please note that you need to ensure that all the recipients have agreed to receive messages from your business on WhatsApp. Sending bulk messages on WhatsApp to persons who didn’t consent is a breach of privacy terms and is against data and privacy protection laws.

Step 2. Create a Message Template

Sending bulk messages on WhatsApp will deliver the same (common message) message to all the recipients, but it will not bring any results and become boring to read.

That’s why to send bulk messages on WhatsApp, create a bulk messages template so you can customize it. The templates include space to add the recipient’s name or specific personalized detail, it is addressed to the person and not the community, with a consistent style.

Due to the template, you can save for message typing each time, only need to add personal details.

Step 3. Compose your WhatsApp Bulk Message

Now, you can write a message that you’d like to send to your contacts. For this, you again have 2 options.

Send bulk WhatsApp messages to a group of your selected contacts. Note that bulk messages sent to a group can be seen and replied to by all the group members. This is how we can send bulk messages on WhatsApp without broadcast.

You can broadcast bulk messages to the recipients you like. A broadcast message is individually sent to the recipient, and they’ll not be aware of the other members to whom it was sent.

Once you’ve made a choice, you can start writing a message by heading to the WhatsApp Business App on your mobile phone and choosing either the group or broadcast option.


Get personalization by putting the contact-specific details in spaces of the message templates.

Finally, your customized messages are ready to reach your contacts’ inboxes, so you may click the arrow beside the text box to send bulk messages.


Step 4. Send or Schedule your WhatsApp Bulk Message

Now that your bulk message is ready with all the possible personalized additions, it’s time to send or plan for its schedule to be sent later.

If you wish your contacts to receive the message immediately, click send or the arrow beside the text box, and your message will instantly be delivered to all the contacts added to the broadcast or group list at once.

If you want to send a message as per your time or plan, then you can schedule WhatsApp messages. But you need to use a third-party application to schedule. You need to mention the date and time of the schedule.

How to Send Bulk Messages Using WhatsApp Business App?

As small businesses have a limited customer base, they want to run their WhatsApp marketing campaigns or send promotional messages to a limited number of people. WhatsApp Business App can serve this purpose. It is free, with no need for any external software to integrate, and easy to use.

We can send bulk messages on the WhatsApp Business App by below simple steps below:

Note: WhatsApp business has a limit of 256 contacts to send bulk messages or broadcast messages. So, WhatsApp Business is recommended for small businesses to send bulk messages only.

How to Send Bulk Messages with the Use of WhatsApp Business API?

If you are running a SME or an enterprise with a large customer base to send WhatsApp messages to? Then, the WhatsApp Business app will not work for you because of its limitation to send messages to up to 256 contacts.

WhatsApp Business API has the following features:

Here’s how you can introduce WhatsApp API into your organization:

Webmaxy WhatsApp Commerce will help you as bulk WhatsApp sender software. Standard canned responses are possible with it. Advanced canned responses are also available upon AI integration.

Apart from this, Manual follow-up reminders are available. Feature of Automated Follow-up reminders upon customer interaction history is available.

As it is clear now how to use WhatsApp Business API, further understand why it is ideal for SMEs and enterprises:

Benefits of WhatsApp Bulk Message

WhatsApp bulk messages offer numerous benefits, making them an appealing option for businesses looking to effectively engage with their target audience.

1. Cost-Effective Marketing

WhatsApp Bulk Messaging is inexpensive as compared to conventional marketing. It removes the necessity for printing and other distribution costs linked with physical mail and is quite affordable than SMS marketing.

2. High Engagement and Response Rates

WhatsApp messages have the highest open rates, often exceeding those of emails. The personal nature of the app attracts higher engagement and quick responses from recipients, making it an efficient tool for customer interaction and communication.

3. Personalization and Customization

Businesses can send personalized messages addressing individual recipients by name or targeting specific segments of their audience. This personalized approach may boost customer relationships and marketing campaign effectiveness.

4. Rich Media Support

WhatsApp offers various types of data transfer like media files, videos, images, documents, voice messages, etc. This gives customers an edge to make their content more interactive, creative, and engaging for their target audience.

Best Practices for Sending Bulk WhatsApp Messages

Sending WhatsApp bulk messages can reach many people within a shorter period. To ensure the impact of your messages and compliance with WhatsApp’s guidelines, you need to follow these best practices:

1. Screen your Audience

Classify or separate your contacts into different groups based on demographics, behaviors, or purchase history. The performance of mass WhatsApp sender campaigns provides remarkable insights.

By measuring parameters like delivery rates, open rates, and click-through rates, you can assess the success of your bulk WhatsApp sender campaign and find improvement points.

2. Keep It Simple and Clear

Simplicity is necessary when creating bulk WhatsApp sender messages. Keeping your communication convincing assures that the key points are easily understood, reducing information overload and increasing the likelihood that your audience will find the main message. Providing short and precise messages saves your customers’ time.

3. Test your Texts

You can test all combinations of text, and just check which resonates with the customer, and which message they like the most. You can try rewriting and refining your text messages to get the maximum audience must read and reply.

4. Analyze and Optimize

After using the bulk WhatsApp sender feature, it’s important to do campaign analysis and optimization. A performance review of the campaign gives valuable insights.

Tracking metrics like delivery rates, open rates, and click-through rates allows you to evaluate the success of your bulk WhatsApp sender campaign and identify areas for improvement.

Tips for the Creation of Engaging WhatsApp Message Templates


WhatsApp is a messaging platform you must leverage irrespective of your business size or type. WhatsApp Business app is more suitable for SMEs, whereas a WhatsApp API account can work great for large organizations.

But you must properly select a bulk message sender when using a WhatsApp API based on your automated or bulk messaging requirements.

To use them both efficiently, follow the journey we have shown to you. You can compose a bulk SMS on WhatsApp based on your customers’ preferences and benefit from other strategies mentioned above.

WebMaxy WhatsApp Commerce is a leading bulk WhatsApp message sender platform. WebMaxy WhatsApp Commerce provides complete guidance and support to get desired results from bulk WhatsApp messages.

To know more about this, you can drop an email to us at: [email protected]

We are delighted to resolve your queries 24/7.

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Adam Wilson
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