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Is the World Trade Centre Abu Dhabi (WTCAD) the epitome of luxury living and Business?

jones williams

World Trade Centre Abu Dhabi (WTCAD) is an elite emirate project that has made living and working space unbeatable. This five-hectare masterpiece shows only quality can be offered, such as premium living, prestigious office spaces, gourmet dining, luxurious hotels, and a unique Arabian souk. 

World Trade Centre Abu Dhabi (WTCAD): A Place of Interaction between the Commercial and the Leisure Worlds 

The WTCAD serves all residents and visitors of the region in their day-to-day activities. Employers can also locate good quality and prestigious business environments to locate their businesses. The WTCAD also has luxury apartments for all those who desire a lifestyle of the rich and famous. Catering establishments of various levels have contributed to offering dining opportunities to the diverse population. 

The Emersion of a Vibrant Communalism in the Middle of Urbanity 

As a polished shopping portfolio with upmarket attracts, the World Trade Centre Abu Dhabi (WTCAD)supports the community. Some of the facilities that residents can access include a swimming pool, gym hall, and beautiful gardens, among others. It also provides event and activity spaces to nurture social interaction and enhance ongoing fellowship. 

An Active and Viable Neighbourhood in the Countryside

The World Trade Centre Abu Dhabi (WTCAD)is luxurious. It also has a progressive society in the area. Basic facilities include swimming pools, a gym, a clubhouse, and a children's play area. They have a well-designed and maintained landscaped garden. Daily and weekly events and activities are also prevalent to foster social relations and a sense of community.


The World Trade Centre Abu Dhabi (WTCAD)is a mega project that encompasses premium lifestyle real estate, an international commercial portfolio, and best-in-the-industry services. In essence, prospective clients in the areas being supplied by Tabreed can benefit from efficient district cooling services, whether they are residents, tourists, employers, or employees.

jones williams
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