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How to boost self-confidence and build your leadership

Maxme Pty Ltd
How to boost self-confidence and build your leadership

Think of a leader you really admire. Do they empower people to work towards big goals? Never seem to waver in their decisions? Stay calm in the face of chaos? Own their mistakes like a Pro?

It all comes down to self-confidence. 

Self-confidence is a powerful trait, whether you're steering people and projects or guiding yourself towards your goals. It empowers you to make tough decisions, take risks, and foster that all-important trust.

But noting self-confidence doesn't come naturally to everyone, what can you do to build yours? Is it as easy as completing a leadership development program? And how does your self-confidence relate to leadership?

Let's dive in. 

What is self-confidence?

Self-confidence is about believing in yourself and trusting in your abilities and judgement. It reveals your strength, areas for improvement, and propels you to face life's challenges, knowing you can handle them.

Confidence vs Arrogance 

It's important to distinguish self-confidence from arrogance. Arrogance refers to an overblown sense of self-importance, where a person believes they are superior to others around them. In contrast, self-confidence is rooted in a genuine sense of self-worth – it doesn't require validation from others. 

Why is self-confidence important for leadership?

Educator and activist Brittany Packnett Cunningham summed it up when she said, "Confidence is the necessary spark before everything that follows."

Self-confidence is the key to facing obstacles, winning over others, and ensuring the success of your actions. It's the difference between having an idea and actually getting started. Having self-confidence is like having a secret superpower. 

Without it, there is no leadership. 

Self-confidence in leadership doesn't mean giving out orders or being the loudest person in the room. It means being sure of your strengths and abilities, which helps you to act decisively and stay cool, calm, and collected in the face of adversity.

Displaying self-confidence also makes it easier for others to trust and follow your leadership and decisions, especially during change or uncertainty. 

Therefore, self-confidence is critical for self-leadership

Self-leadership is the ability to influence and direct your thoughts and actions towards your goals. But how can you motivate yourself towards your goals if you don't have confidence in yourself? 

Research in psychology shows that a high level of confidence in yourself and your abilities is associated with greater control over what happens to you. This can help you take on challenges. And when these actions are successful, your confidence gets a boost, which helps to build your confidence. And so the loop continues, reinforcing your self-confidence with each successful action. Read more

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