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Is Vitamin Water Good for You? Get Incredible Insights

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In recent years, food and beverage companies have launched many healthy beverages for consumers. But are they all good for health? One of the most popular nutrient-rich beverages is vitamin drinks. The manufactured company claims that this is a healthy drink. But is vitamin water good for you? How much vitamin drink consumption will not put your body at any health risk?

If you have been searching for this piece of information, we have got you covered. This article will discuss all the aspects related to is vitamin water good for you. Here, you will read the truth behind the story of Coca-Cola’s claim of launching a healthy beverage. So, read on!

What Is Vitamin Water?

The term ‘Vitamin Water’ came to the highlight when the company Coca-Cola launched its beverage Vitamin Water.  It came into the market with attractive names like ‘focus’, ‘refresh’, ‘essential’, and ‘endurance.’ At that time, the company claimed that the vitamin beverage is very nutrient-rich and healthy. But, later on, health awareness organizations opposed this claim of Coca-Cola. Finally, the company stopped claiming that it was a health product. 

Are Vitamins in Vitamin Water Good for Your Health?

Is vitamin water good for you? Let’s find out the answer to the question first ‘are vitamins added to water good to consume?” The one-word answer is no. It is not safe to consume vitamins in any way. The reason is that the added vitamins actually become toxic over time.

Water-soluble vitamins such as Vitamin B and Vitamin C do not reach safely to you. Their quality deteriorates over time. Do you know why? This happens because of the light and heat. When a vitamin drink comes in contact with light or heat, the added Vitamin B and Vitamin C start to degrade over a prolonged time. Their degradation means that the water is becoming toxic.

Next, let’s discuss fat-soluble vitamins such as A, E, D, and K. You can’t absorb these vitamin supplements added to the water unless you consume them with fat. Interesting? This also becomes the cause of water toxicity.

This is not only the risk that vitamin beverages may pose. There is one more worth noting thing that you should never overlook. Your overall consumption of vitamin intake is the most important thing that you should not overlook. The supplementary multivitamin intake that goes through vitamin water may exceed the vitamins in your body. Your body may accept excessive amounts of some vitamins. But, some vitamins if exceeded in quantity may pose severe health risks. 

Possible Benefits of Drinking Vitamin Water Safe

However, vitamin beverages are not safe for you. But, there are some good points that you should not neglect. These good reasons may make you choose to drink vitamin water. Check out the following pointers to know more:

You can elevate the standard of your parties by replacing ordinary water bottles with delicious vitamin drink bottles. After all, they taste much better. The guests coming to your parties will enjoy this amazing drink with relishing dishes. This occasional consumption is not harmful to anyone.

Better Option Than Other Chemical-Based Beverages

If you feel a craving for chemical-based beverages, this multivitamin beverage is a better option. Though this is not good for your health, it harms less than other beverages. In this situation, drinking a vitamin drink is good and refreshing. But, do not make this drink your everyday habit. Keep the consumption of this beverage very limited. 

Disadvantages of Drinking Vitamin Water

In the above section, you learned why is vitamin water good for you. Here, we will discuss the crucial point of this article i.e. drinking water rich in vitamins causes health hazards. So, check out the following pointers:

The vitamins present in vitamin beverage bottles are already present in the food items that you have already taken. Now, excess vitamins have to be flushed out through your urinary tract. Since your kidney has to function more to flush them out, they are hard on them. Subsequently, they can increase the risk of malfunctioning in your kidneys or renal failure.


Hopefully, this article will tell you how vitamin water is nothing else but a harmful sweet drink. If you are a gym goer and used to drink it over ordinary milk, this post will answer you is vitamin water actually good for you. Here you will learn how this vitamin-loaded water can put your body at risk.

So, the conclusion is here that you should consume multivitamins but not unnaturally. Prefer to consume vitamins that are naturally fixed in your food items, fruits, and juices. Do not harm your health with consumption of multivitamin supplements in any form.

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