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Soto Flooring Moore/Yukon

Soto Flooring Moore/Yukon
Soto Flooring Moore/Yukon

Address: Oklahoma City, OK 73008

Phone: (405) 834-9893

Website: https://sotoflooring.com/#/media-room

Soto Flooring was established in 2011 in Oklahoma City by Michael Soto, and expanding our way of caring for our customers and improving the quality of our work has been our focus ever since.

Michael had his fair share of unpleasant and unfair contracting services during his time in the industry. He wanted to make a difference to show that it’s possible for you, the homeowner, to get both flooring craftsmanship as well as professional services that leave you feeling taken care of and appreciated.

Business Hours:

Monday - Friday: 8 AM - 5 PM

Saturday & Sunday: CLOSED

Soto Flooring Moore/Yukon
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