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How Does Mansarovar Yatra Registration Work?

Ishita Gupta
How Does Mansarovar Yatra Registration Work?

Kailash Mansarovar Yatra Registration This is a single lifetime spiritual sojourn, hence, registration is a must to undergo a hassle-free, well-organized journey. One of the major registration processes is undertaken by MEA at different stages of eligibility. Whichever travel package you would be opting for Kailash Mansarovar Yatra by Road Package, or whichever other option you would favor, here is a simplified overview of how to finish the registration process.

Step-by-Step Procedure for Kailash Mansarovar Yatra Registration

Registration Online

The registration for the Kailash Mansarovar Yatra starts online. The applicant must log into the official portal of the MEA and fill out the online application form. It consists of questions, such as personal details, information pertaining to the passport, and choice regarding the mode of travel road or helicopter.

Requirement for Passport

Because the Kailash Mansarovar Yatra travels to Tibet, which is run by China, a passport valid for travel internationally is also a requirement. Your passport should therefore be updated with validity for at least six months from the date of travel.

Medical Screening

This yatra demands a person be in good shape as the altitudes and the terrain require a lot of effort. Once you have submitted your application, you would have to undergo a mandatory medical check-up so that you're healthy enough to undertake the yatra.

Lottery System

After you have filled out the application and cleared the medical check-ups, there is a computerized lottery system, which sorts out the applicants for the yatra. As the number of applicants is high, this system ensures that it is a fair and transparent process.

Route Selection

There are two major methods for undertaking the Kailash Mansarovar Yatra. The yatra can either be undertaken via Lipulekh Pass or Nathu La Pass by road. Among the Mansarovar Yatra by Road, the most popular journey is to undertake the overland journey, witnessing the panoramic views.

Fee Payment 

After shortlisting, you will be asked to pay for the fees set for your yatra. These fees cover permits, food, and accommodation along the entire Yatra stretch.

The Concluding Thoughts

The safety and fulfillment of Kailash Mansarovar Yatra registration consist of a few steps. Apart from careful planning, medical screening, and a transparent lottery system, the registration ensures you are adequately prepared to upgrade your spirituality through this pilgrimage. You will be successful and effective in this experience the earlier you prepare, regardless of whether you choose to travel through Mansarovar Yatra by Road Package or some other route.

Ishita Gupta
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