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Surface Mining: An Overview

Sanjana Jadhav
Surface Mining: An Overview

What is Open-pit mining?

Surface Mining, also known as opencast mining, is a type of mining in which mineral resources are extracted from the earth through its surface, rather than from underground mining shafts. Open-pit mining methods include contour mining, dredging, strip mining, quarrying, open-pit mining, and mountaintop removal mining.

Types of Open-pit mining

There are several common types of open-pit mining methods used today:

Strip Mining

Strip Surface Mining involves using heavy machinery such as shovels, dozers, and draglines to remove surface layers of rock and soil from the land to expose underlying mineral deposits like coal. As each successive layer is removed, a strip is formed that exposes more of the coal seam. This makes strip mining an economical way to extract minerals near the surface. However, it can damage the surrounding landscape.

Open-pit Mining

Open-pit mining exploits mineral deposits that are close to the earth's surface. It involves large-scale excavation to extract ores and minerals. Open-pit mining requires powerful earth moving equipment like trucks and shovels to dig out and transport massive amounts of surface rock and ores. This method is preferred when deposits are obscured by layer upon layer of rock, as underground mining methods would call for expensive tunneling operations. Common examples include bauxite, iron ore, gold and copper mining.

Mountaintop Removal Mining

Mountaintop removal mining is a form of Surface Mining Industry where entire mountain tops are removed to expose underlying coal seams. Explosives and heavy equipment are used to scrape off forest vegetation and topsoil, then to literally blast the mountain tops off to expose buried coal seams. The excess rock and debris that is removed is dumped into adjacent valleys, burying streams. This method is very controversial due to its widespread environmental damage.

Advantages of Open-pit mining

Some key advantages of open-pit mining include: - Higher productivity and better recovery rates - Open-pit mining facilitates the extraction of a higher percentage of the mineral resource than underground mining methods since the entire mineral deposit is exposed for extraction. This results in higher yields. - Lower costs - Compared to underground mining, open-pit mining techniques generally involve less investment in infrastructure like mining equipment, ventilation systems and auxiliary support systems. Open-pit mining operations also have lower operational costs as mineral extraction and haulage takes place entirely above ground. - Safety - Open-pit mining poses less risks to worker safety than underground mining. Hazards such as rock falls, tunnel roof collapses, gas explosions in enclosed spaces are not present at open-pit mining sites which enjoy better ventilation and visibility. - Selectivity - Open-pit mining allows greater selectivity in mining. The overburden and interburden can be removed selectively and only the productive mineral zones are extracted. Waste stripping is minimized.

Environmental Impacts of Surface Mining

While open-pit mining brings certain economic advantages, it also has substantial negative impacts on the environment:

Land Disturbance

Open-pit mining often involves stripping away vegetation and topsoil in order to access and extract buried mineral deposits underneath. This destroys the existing landscape and disrupts local ecoystems. Reclaiming and restoring mined land after its useful life is difficult.

Water Pollution

Open-pit mining can cause long-lasting water pollution by contaminating nearby rivers, lakes and groundwater. Activities like explosives use, oil and grease leaks pollute nearby water bodies. Toxic elements and acidic mine drainage leaching from waste piles further degrade water quality.

Air Pollution

Activities like blasting, overburden removal, and transportation of ores produce particulate matter and dust emissions that pollute the local air quality. Heavy equipment used in mining also emit gases like sulphur and nitrogen dioxides.

Noise and Vibration

The use of massive earthmoving equipment and explosives in mining operations creates unacceptably high noise and vibration levels affecting local communities and wildlife.

Rehabilitation Challenges

Successfully reclaiming mined land and restoring it back to its original land use pose major technical challenges. Reconstruction of topography and soils is difficult, and establishing vegetation on barren mined soils demands extensive efforts over many years. Full restoration is seldom achieved. Advocates of sustainable mining practices argue that with proper planning and mitigation measures, open-pit mining's environmental footprint can be reduced. Regulatory compliance, advanced technologies, and diligent post-mining rehabilitation allow open-pit mining projects to become more environment-friendly over time. Meanwhile, the continuing rise in energy and mineral demand ensures open-pit mining will remain an important extraction method for the foreseeable future. With responsible stewardship, it can co-exist with conservation goals. Surface Mining is a highly productive mineral extraction method that offers various economic benefits versus underground mining. However, its substantial environmental costs also need addressing through improved practices, technologies and regulations to promote sustainable development. With care and oversight, open-pit mining's adverse impacts can be contained to some degree for the benefit of both industry and society overall.



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About Author:

Priya Pandey is a dynamic and passionate editor with over three years of expertise in content editing and proofreading. Holding a bachelor's degree in biotechnology, Priya has a knack for making the content engaging. Her diverse portfolio includes editing documents across different industries, including food and beverages, information and technology, healthcare, chemical and materials, etc. Priya's meticulous attention to detail and commitment to excellence make her an invaluable asset in the world of content creation and refinement.


(LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/priya-pandey-8417a8173/)

Sanjana Jadhav
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