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Top Questions to Ask Your Destination Wedding Photographer in Italy

Carolina Elite Events
Top Questions to Ask Your Destination Wedding Photographer in Italy

Capturing the special moment of your life is everyone's wish. Especially when it comes to your wedding day. Couples want to capture this special moment to preserve the memories for ages. You want to make sure your photographer understands your unique vision and tries to narrate with their visual images, too. But before hiring a destination wedding photographer in Italy, make sure to ask some questions that help you shortlist the best photographer.

1. Is your team available on the desired dates and budget?

One of the key questions is to ask your photographer about their availability. Whether their team will be available on the designed dates. Also, make sure to discuss your budget with the photographer in advance to avoid any hassle later. Do ask about the photography packages and discounts they are offering.

2. What's your experience as a wedding photographer?

Another thing that you should ask your wedding photographer is how many years of experience they have, particularly in wedding photography. It takes a long time to develop the skills required to become the best destination wedding photographer in Italy. Thus, you should ensure you choose a skilled photographer who is well-versed in the latest technology and the trends in the photography market.

3. Can you show your portfolio or work samples?

The next question that you must ask from your photographer is about their photographic portfolio and work samples. This will help you get better insight into their style, experience, technical skills, creativity, consistency, and the quality of their work. Therefore, you can now evaluate the exact quality of the work and also make sure whether they’re the right choice for you.

4. Do you have an assistant and a second shooter?

Asking questions about the assistant and the second shooter is crucial because they both play a major role in helping the primary photographer capture the best moment. Let’s understand the difference between an assistant and a second shooter. Typically, an assistant is there to assist the photographer in the wedding shoot. They will help carry any equipment, props, etc. However, a second shooter will be the second photographer, who will often be positioned at different angles to capture the best shot.

5. When can you expect the photographs to be delivered?

This is another important question that you must ask your photographer before your destination wedding in Italy. When can you expect the delivery of the photos, albums, and videos shot during the wedding event? To inquire about the timeframes for which the photographer will share the raw photographs, processed ones, and the final edited ones. You can ask for your photographs even in the raw form. All you need to do is to discuss everything in advance with the wedding photographer. This will help you avoid any unexpected hassle later.

6. How do we need to make the payment?

Always make sure the payment terms are appropriate from both sides. One of the common practices is to keep 50% of the booking payment. However, all this will depend on the photographer's experience. Generally, new photographers can be lenient when it comes to payment for your Italy destination wedding, but experienced ones can be rigid with the payment. Even though this may happen a professional photographer may also want to sign a contract that would state all the roles and responsibilities of both parties.

7. What happens if you become ill or have an emergency on the wedding day?

Life is full of uncertainty. Unfortunately things can happen that are out of our control. However, a professional will always have a backup plan, whether it is in terms of equipment, tools, lighting, or even a photographer in backup in case of illness or any emergency.


To conclude, before finalizing your destination wedding photographer, make sure to enquire about some of the important things your photographer. You must ask your photographer about your availability, experience, demonstration of work samples, assistant & second photographer, expected date of delivery, payment terms & conditions, and even the backup plan. If you’re looking for a destination wedding photographer in Italy, then you can look no further than Carolinaeliteevents.com!

Carolina Elite Events
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