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A Brief Outlook on Holistic Treatments for Canines: Acupuncture and Hydrotherapy

James Stacy
A Brief Outlook on Holistic Treatments for Canines: Acupuncture and Hydrotherapy

Holistic treatment is a comprehensive approach to pet health, wellbeing, healing (post-illness and injury). Holistic dog healers typically deploy a range of treatments based on the condition, client interest as well as the nature of the condition. Let us look at two key options that you can explore in Holistic healing for dogs, when you take him/her to a holistic dog healer.

Canine acupuncture:

Canine acupuncture is one of the most famous holistic treatments for dogs that people have started exploring. Acupuncture is not exactly a new thing. It has been part of traditional ancient medicine for more than 1000 years. 20th century was when it became famous in the Western World. Today, the application of this alternate healing and holistic treatment has been tried and tested on our canine buddies with remarkable success and quantifiable outcomes. It is a practice in which needles are used to stimulate the pressure points in the body. It is to be done strictly by a professional.

Acupuncture for our canine friends have been able to successfully deal with issues such as pain in the joints and the muscles, especially after trauma, injury or surgery. It fosters faster recovery in your dogs.


It basically involves the use of water for physical therapy. As a matter of fact, it is technically a physical therapy which is done in water. It is ideal for our ageing canine friends for it involves low-intensity exercises, which is ideal for faster recovery after injury, and issues of the joints such as arthritis. Hydrotherapy leads to faster recovery, and it also build muscles, strengthens joints, reduces stress, and impact of trauma.

To learn more about holistic healing for pets, visit a holistic dog healer. For more information about holistic healing, visit this site: https://animalsbodymindspirit.com/

James Stacy
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