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Top Repair Solutions For Water-Damaged Speakers In Your iPhone Device

Phone Smart Repairs
Top Repair Solutions For Water-Damaged Speakers In Your iPhone Device

Like any other electronic gadget, your iPhone device is not immune to accidents, especially when water is involved. In this case, one of the most common problems you can face is water in the speakers. The highly professional team of technicians offering cheap iPhone 15 Pro Max repairs in Melbourne can deliver quick and quality repairs at affordable prices. 

In this article, we will provide you with repair solutions through the ways you can save your iPhone speakers from water damage. So stay glued. 

Use The Water Eject Shortcut

One of the most effective solutions for you to remove water from your iPhone speaker is using the water eject feature. In this case, you can easily access it through a third-party shortcut as it uses sound waves to push the water out of the speakers. The highly efficient team of mechanics providing Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max repairs in Melbourne can fix all types of models as you can get back the full functionality of your device in no time. 

Dry Your Device With Silica Gel Packs 

In case you are looking to remove any kind of moisture from your iPhone device then silica gel packs can be far more effective than anything else. So for this, you first need to power off your device and place it in a sealable container or plastic bag. And then you can surround it with silica gel packets for at least 24 to 48 hours as it can absorb the moisture from your device. 

Use A Third Party App To Play Sound At High Frequencies 

Apart from the water eject shortcuts there are also a wide variety of thyroid party apps available with which you can use sound to remove water from your device’s speakers. In this case, by playing music at high frequencies you can create vibrations to shake the loose remaining water particles. 

Overall Thoughts 

By following the above tips and tricks you can easily prevent water damage to your iPhone speakers and get back the full functionality of your device. 

Phone Smart Repairs
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