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10 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Website Development

Saurav Agarwal
10 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Website Development

It is interesting to create a website, but there are always some recurrent mistakes that can hamper the success of your project. Check out ten shortcomings you should avoid regarding website development in Kolkata and globally.

  • Ignoring Mobile Responsiveness

If most of the audience is opening the sites from a cell phone and the website is not being optimised for mobile, results in a poor experience.

  • Overloading with Large Media Files

Large images and videos may take some time to load and this slows down your site’s speed. Optimise media files for quality at the expense of rate.

  • Skipping SEO Practices

Visibility is a major reason why Search Engine Optimization (SEO) should be embraced. Use keywords wisely in your site and learn how to use meta tags to improve your site's ranking.

  • Cluttered Design

Being busy with numerous logos can leave the visitors overwhelmed. Sites should be free from clutter and possess easy to comprehend layouts for navigation.

  • The absence of the Call-to-Action (CTA)

Employ buttons or links that make a user perform some particular action that he/she probably would not have done otherwise, for example, a “Contact Us” or “Buy Now” button.

  • Neglecting Website Speed

Always ensure you keep on checking your website performance and dealing with those that cause slowing down of the website.

  • Inconsistent Branding

Same colours, fonts and logo must be repeated in all communications. A fragmented design is disadvantageous because it can negatively affect the overall credibility of your brand.

  • Poor Navigation Structure

Sub-organise related data with clear headings and make sure that the menus are not tricky and complex to navigate through.

  • Not Testing Across Browsers

Sometimes your site may look well when viewed in one browser but appear less than desirable in others. Test the browser so they have same comfortable experience everytime.

  • Ignoring Analytics

If you don’t know how to track its performance, then you cannot determine if your website is working or not. Reporting can help to untangle the users’ behaviour patterns and spot the potential improvements.


For both local and international audiences and especially for website development in Kolkata focusing on user-experience, site speed and optimization is the key to develop a stand-out website.

Saurav Agarwal
Zupyak is the world’s largest content marketing community, with over 400 000 members and 3 million articles. Explore and get your content discovered.
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