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Application Deployment Tool

David Fegan
Application Deployment Tool

15 Best Application Deployment Tools to Use in 2025

The right application deployment tool is more than just a piece of software—it’s the foundation that takes your code from concept to reality. A great tool ensures deployments are smooth, automated, and secure, saving you time and helping avoid costly mistakes. 

But with so many options available, finding the perfect fit can feel overwhelming. That’s why we’ve curated a list of the top 15 deployment tools—including 5 free options—drawing on our 14+ years of experience deploying over 40 tools across various projects.

So, whether you’re a startup or scaling a business, this guide will simplify your search for the ideal tool.

Best Software Deployment Tools: An in-depth analysis

Modern businesses must deliver software faster, securely, and reliably. But, local deployments can consume 5–10% of a developer’s time, and up to 25% in extreme cases. That’s why we’ve tested the providers’ claims and listed only the most reliable application deployment tools below.

1. Docker

Docker is a container-based platform that makes deploying applications faster and easier. It’s a favorite for microservices, helping developers build, ship, and run apps anywhere. The results speak for themselves: 13x more frequent releases, 65% faster onboarding, and 62% fewer security issues. Besides these, 18+ million developers using Docker Desktop and 450+ partners on Docker Hub, so it’s clear why we keep it at 1st in the list.

2. Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps offers an end-to-end DevOps suite, including repositories, pipelines, and testing tools, making it a comprehensive solution for software teams. It’s particularly ideal for enterprises leveraging Microsoft services and supports Agile methodologies, such as Scrum and Kanban. 

3. Chef

Chef is an open-source framework that automates infrastructure and application management with a focus on policy-based consistency. Designed for scalable, dynamic environments, it ensures reliable configuration and compliance across any setup. 

4. CircleCI

CircleCI is a cloud-based CI/CD platform that’s popular for its speed and flexibility, with a share of 5.87% in the continuous integration market. It’s an ideal choice for startups and DevOps teams looking for a straightforward solution to automate builds and tests. We found its parallel processing features significantly reduce build times.

5. Travis CI

Travis CI, launched in 2011 by a GitHub engineer, was the first cloud-based CI tool. Its dashboard, CLI tools, and open-source integrations have seen renewed investment, and its user-friendly YAML syntax reduces configuration by 33%. Supporting 30+ languages, it offers preconfigured environments that require no setup or dependency management—simply specify a new language key.

6. GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions brings CI/CD capabilities directly into GitHub repositories, streamlining workflows for a variety of tasks—from deploying websites to querying the GitHub API for custom status reports and standard CI builds.

7. Google Cloud Build

The platform offers fast and secure CI/CD pipelines for building, testing, and deploying applications, and is ideal for teams using Google Cloud services. Features such as viewing build results and ensuring secure build environments with temporary instances and customer-managed encryption keys make it our choice among software deployment tools.

Source: https://www.agicent.com/blog/application-deployment-tool/

David Fegan
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