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Driving in Winter: Top 10 Tips to Keep You and Your Family Safe

The Driving Tutors
Driving in Winter: Top 10 Tips to Keep You and Your Family Safe

Winter driving can be challenging and in some regions, it can even be dangerous. Whether you’re navigating icy roads, snow-covered highways, or simply dealing with colder temperatures, it's important to take the proper precautions and education under excellent Driving School Mississauga “The Driving Tutors” to ensure safety on the road.

Here we are providing the top 10 winter driving tips that can help protect you and your loved ones during the colder months.

Tire Pressure: Cold temperatures can cause tire pressure to drop, which can affect your vehicle’s handling and fuel efficiency.

Winter Tires: If you live in an area with snow and ice, winter tires offer better traction on slippery roads compared to all-season tires.

Winter weather can bring unexpected road closures or detours. Keep your gas tank at least half full to prevent running out of fuel, especially if you get stuck in traffic or need to idle for long periods in freezing conditions.

Cold weather can reduce battery life and make it harder for your car to start. Clean corrosion from the battery terminals and the battery has held a charge.

During winter, daylight hours are shorter, and weather can quickly make visibility poor. Always keep your headlights on, even during the day in snowy or foggy conditions.

Before heading out, take the time to clear snow and ice from your windows, mirrors, lights, roof, and hood. Snow from the roof can slide down and block your view, or it may blow onto other drivers, creating hazards.

Reduced traction means you slow down and leave more distance between you and the car in front of you. “The Driving Tutors” instructors have trained you to keep increasing your following distance to give yourself more time to react in case of sudden stops or slippery spots.

In icy conditions, avoid sudden braking, as it could cause you to lose control. If you don't have ABS, use a technique called "threshold braking" by applying pressure just before the wheels lock up and releasing slightly to avoid skidding.

“The Driving Tutors” is one of the best Driving Schools Brampton, and our instructors are more focused and practice always checking the weather forecast before you travel if conditions look too severe (e.g., snowstorms, freezing rain), consider postponing your trip. If you must drive in bad weather, someone knows your route and expected arrival time.

Winter emergency kit in your car includes:

Winter driving requires extra caution. Avoid sudden movements, and be extra cautious when changing lanes or turning. Always assume that the road could be slick, especially if you're unsure about the condition of the surface.

The Driving Tutors
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