How to Solve OST Corruption Issues & Convert OST to PST File?
In the universe there are several users who using the OST File for maintaining the Exchange Server user mailboxes data. This file gives the permission to users to access its storage data in the absent of Exchange Server Network Connectivity. OST File compress users emails, contacts, calendars, task, notes, incoming items, outgoing items and other items. But sometime OST File became corrupted due to Synchronizing error, File size error, Virus attacks and Trojan errors, Software and hardware malfunctioning, File size error and accidentally users mailbox deleted.
OST file corruption Leads to Various Error Messages as Given Below:
- Internal error of OST file (error code=0000000E)
- Error 8004011D-526-80040115-0
- Service-specific error 0 (0×0)
- Error code 0x8004103b
- OST Internal error (error code=00000003)
- Error-message/c5e20916-9359-43fc-9bd9
- Service-specific error 0 (0×0)
# You Can Learn The Working Process of OST to PST Converter Software By Above video.
Have Solution- OST Converter Tool to Convert OST File to PST File
OST to PST Converter, user can use because it provides so simple process to extract all the required emails or attachments from inaccessible OST file in additional to convert them into PST Outlook file. Using this software, you can solve all the problem of OST File and makes it more capable to its future users. Many additional features have been added to make the paramount conversion of corrupted OST file. The messages filtering option is best that permits to filter the emails per folder emails according to dates for recovery. You can define the two dates “From date” to date” to recover the Outlook OST file emails with complete properties- to, bcc, cc, time, subjects and from, email header information and embedded images.
OST File Converter Software auto search OST Location and recover all OST file to PST file. This software endues the facility to recover emails and restore them into PST through multiple naming convention options such as- Subject, Subject + date, date+ subject, subject+ date+ from, from + date+ subjects etc.
OST to PST Recovery Software endues the facility to recover selective Single OR multiple emails from inaccessible OST File in additional to convert them into PST, EML, MSG, HTML, MHTML, RTF, TXT, DOC, PDF, MBOX and Outlook Profile etc. OST Conversion to PST Software fastly recover OST file and convert OST to PST with the facility of PST Splitting by which you can split large size of PST File upto 5GB.
For More Information Just Click Here ==> OST to PST Conversion