OWASP Mobile Security: Top 10 Risks for 2017
Security in the mobile development field is important as never before. There is a wild range of various threats that we don’t even think about. So many aspects are escaping our consideration while it’s our first duty to ensure that all of our app’s users will be secure and none of their personal data will be stolen. That’s why we decided to explore what is out there to teach us how to handle the security course.
It’s already an established fact that every developer should follow the OWASP research about the most common vulnerabilities and attacks regarding mobile and web products. Why is that? Well, the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a worldwide known charitable organization that made their mission to improve the security of software. Among many of their achievements, there is an OWASP Mobile Security Project, that gives the mobile developers and security teams all resources needed to create secure mobile products. Started in 2010, it’s already proven worthiness, by building a mobile threat model and classifying mobile OWASP top 10 security risks. Based on this, their team provides developmental tools to reduce the likelihood impact of those risks. But the big project is still in progress – every year there is a new research and improvement to the list of the main threats to keep up with the industry trends and innovations. So, shall we take a few to check out what problems are ahead of us this year?