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How to Build Better Business Intelligence Software?

Preston Berger
How to Build Better Business Intelligence Software?

It is hard to deny the importance of analytics in improving business performance and making well-informed decisions. Unfortunately, most companies do not use their own experience and fully take advantage of their accumulated data throughout their career. The reason is simple - analysis of large amounts of different data from various sources is a very time consuming and inconvenient process. Often we don’t have the time and resources for it.

 In order to create a single sales report or to process data, analysts have to match them manually, wasting time which they could better use to perform other tasks. Of course, we can outsource to other companies, but their services are often expensive and do not always satisfy the customer's' criteria for quality or meet their deadlines.

With the advent of business intelligence software alternative, opportunities have opened up for businesses. To determine the principles of the custom BI software development, we need to clearly understand the difference between concepts such as Data, Information, and Knowledge.....

Continue: http://www.archer-soft.com/en/blog/how-build-better-business-intelligence-software 

Preston Berger
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