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Research of Most Popular Programming Languages for 2017

Vlad Dm
Research of Most Popular Programming Languages for 2017
Year to year coding tendencies and needs are changing. Language that was little-known just a while ago may easily hit the top of the most popular programming languages. IT industry dictates its own rules and developers have to keep up with them. 
Thus, coders all over the world from time to time wonder what new programming languages came to light and what happened to existing ones. In this article, we have conducted a research and found out top 20 languages that will shape 2017.
Demand for mobile development is growing annually. This fact brings some changes to the usage of already popular programming languages.
The world of Web development is also not standing still. In the recent years, functional languages like Scala, Clojure, and Haskell have gained a certain popularity. However, other languages do not lag behind.
Before we get to statistics, lets consider some popular languages for digital products development.
Java. It is the most used programming language when it comes to native Android apps development. Probably the biggest advantage of this language is its compatibility with all operation systems. So that application written for Mac may work on Windows as well. One of the biggest events for this language in 2017 is the release of its 9th version. Java also allows developing of scalable web apps.
C#. It is multifunctional language allowing to create almost all, ranging from server apps to the mobile development. It is also widely used within game niche due to the support of Unity 3D. Later this year will be released C# 7.0.
C++. It is a perfect choice for applications demanding lots of resources to work correctly. This language is applied for multiple purposes including OS building as well as development for mobile platforms, server sides, and game creation.
C. It is one of the oldest languages that served as a basis for the creation of such trending programming languages as Java and C#. Despite its age, C language is still popular due to its simple syntax. This language was used for development of such resources as Google and YouTube. 
Top programming languages: facts about C family languages
Peculiarities of languages
JavaScript and HTML5 combination allow creating hybrid mobile apps. Due to the raised popularity of React Native, it is also used for cross-platform development. Moreover, this programming language popularity has touched game development as well.
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Vlad Dm
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