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W Stick- A Wireless USB Flash Drive for ALL Devices

W Stick
W Stick- A Wireless USB Flash Drive for ALL Devices

With the evolution of technology, the smartphone technology also increased. There was a time when phones just have contacts on it, and maybe some images. The smartphone had changed the way it used to be with different apps, movies, music, pictures that need lots of space. Mobile storage is currently limited to huge bulky hard drives that require wires and cables and also internet to access its data. W Stick is trying to change the way that people store and connect their data in smartphones, tablets, or computers.

W Stick, a USB flash drive with built in Wi-Fi network that allows wireless access of data without the need of internet or cables. The W Stick is also called Mastermind W Stick OTG (On The Go) that works not just with Android devices but also with those running on iOS. The W Stick system is a combination of W Stick and a mobile app that works together and allows user to transfer, sync, convert files easily and quickly between iOS and Android as well as Macs and PCs.

Some of the main features of W Stick includes, different storage capacities with 32GB, 64GB, 128GB and 256GB with password protection to secure data. It includes three different plugs on either sides (a Micro-USB plug, a standard USB plug and a Lightning connector) that allow the device to work with PCs and Macs, iOS products or devices that run on Android.  The device is capable to sync with any devices. The product works with Apple devices, Type C devices, and Android devices, GPS, Drones, Gopro, Cameras, TVs, Speakers, and Projectors.

The Company had launched a campaign on Indiegogo to introduce its wireless USB Flash Drive and to start its mass production. The team is planning to provide an affordable product to the people. To know more details and the story behind their creation, check their Indiegogo campaign at https://igg.me/at/WStick/

W Stick
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