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How can Mobile apps Help us to Solve Emergencies at Sea?

Mobileapp Daily
How can Mobile apps Help us to Solve Emergencies at Sea?

In today’s digital world there is no limitation on technology implementation all you need is an innovative idea to initiate.

Mobile app development with its creative and substantial inventions already made a significant impact on the business world.

From education to news mobile applications are everywhere, every sector is utilizing this technology and smartest creation efficiently to optimize the services.Recently defense department of LANGKAWI has launched an app ,Rakim 2.0 for emergencies at sea to help marine soldiers.

The defense minister of LANGKAWI, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein has launched Rakam 2.0 program.

K3M stands for (kesedaran), safety (keselamatan) and community (community.

Rakam 2.0 program is roll out in order to connect the center operational head to the maritime community.It also includes fisherman, resort operators to get an instant report of any incidents.

Mobileapp Daily
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