In today’s digital world there is no limitation on technology implementation all you need is an innovative idea to initiate.
Mobile app development with its creative and substantial inventions already made a significant impact on the business world.
From education to news mobile applications are everywhere, every sector is utilizing this technology and smartest creation efficiently to optimize the services.Recently defense department of LANGKAWI has launched an app ,Rakim 2.0 for emergencies at sea to help marine soldiers.
The defense minister of LANGKAWI, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein has launched Rakam 2.0 program.
K3M stands for (kesedaran), safety (keselamatan) and community (community.
Rakam 2.0 program is roll out in order to connect the center operational head to the maritime community.It also includes fisherman, resort operators to get an instant report of any incidents.

Once inside the restaurant, Shahril pulled his seat and snickered in the wake of joking that he and his accomplice DatukMokhzani Mahathir were the most debtors in the nation.
Shahril holds a 20% stake in Sapura Holdings.
Shamsuddin has fabricated Sapura Holdings from underneath to wind up one of the biggest private-claimed combinations in the nation with 4,500 representatives around then.
I saw him buckling down with one reason, in particular, to teach his youngsters, and it turned into a solid force for me to resemble him.
Shahril additionally referenced Datuk Rameli Musa (official executive of Ingress Corp Bhd) and KhooSooKeong as his tutor.
In the late nineties, no oil and gas specialist organizations, though the nation was an oil producer.

Mobile apps will play a major role in simplifying the life of the elderly people and will help them in leading a hassle-free life Click here to read more..

Today the IoT technology has emerged in all sectors including mobile app development.
Developing a mobile app with IoT technology can help your business by boosting your sales and productivity levels.Read more - http://www.getmyappz.com/blog/iot-in-mobile-app-development-how-to-leverage-it-in-your-business/

Technology has surpassed almost all the assumptions that we used to just think of a few years back. AR or augmented reality apps are the true example to it. In case you have paid attention to the graphics that appear in the form of score when you watch a match or play those virtual games using some special gadget, you must have experienced AR in person.
Augmented reality seems to be an innovative approach but this technology has already made its appearance. AR is so common that we fail to notice the effectivity of the same around us. Be it an application or the virtual playstation you are addicted to, the existence of these apps have only become possible through utilizing the elements of Augmented reality.
The elements of AR are utilized within an app are proved to improve the overall user’s experience. Suppose, you are using a shopping app, the AR within the app will help you see the products more clearly in addition to boosting the overall experience. The reason for the popularity of AR apps is again the same. Moreover, they are useful for users and the app developers alike, which offers more weightage to this innovative technique.
Here is More on How AR Apps are Useful for Consumers:
Real Experience for Users Prior to Purchasing the Product
Shopping online is still exotic for some of the users. They are too worried to buy a product that they are not able to see properly. AR based apps tackle to such problems to a great extent. They bring an actual image of the product that seems much like a reality. This way shoppers are able to gain a fulfilling experience. And, an augmented experience has got all the potential to influence the users for the shopping.
A Way to know the Actual App Review
There are a number of apps that offer reviews, customer feedback as well as the rating to the users. This means a lot for the potential customers who are yet to experience the product and the services. This will help them make a better choice and know the efficiency of the product. An enriching experience is sure to appeal to the users and get their attention.
Using AR Apps for Product Price Info
AR apps can also be used to get the cheapest price details of a product available at different stores. Besides making the comparison, the info on the availability of the product at the nearest stores can also be gained through these applications. Users have also got the chance to compare the product based on the availability of the product and the price of the same.
Information on Discount and Coupons
AR apps bring the real value to the clients by offering the information on the services and the products available on discount.
This makes it easy for the users to make the choice from the list of extended number of products. Making it easy for the users builds their credibility in a certain application. And thus, AR apps can additionally help this way to enrich the experience of the clients.
Convenient in Product Comparison
The best thing about AR apps is that users can easily compare the product. Users do not need to move from their spaces in order to get all the related information about any specific service or the product. Such a convenience helps users to know every bit of information about the product just by browsing through the apps. It is absolutely convenient for them.
This Article is originally published here.

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