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Steps to Troubleshoot Error 1203 on the Lexmark printer with ease

Eliza Swift
Steps to Troubleshoot Error 1203 on the Lexmark printer with ease


Lexmark printer is one of the best printer brand due to its latest updated feature. But sometime we face issues with this printer due to some technical or other software problems.

 Here in this blog we guide you How to troubleshoot Lexmark Printer 1203 error easily.

If error message of Cartridge Missing is displaying on the screen the follow the below step carefully

  1. You have to reinstall the cartridges into the printer.
  1. Always ensure that you have inserted the color cartridge in the left side. Insert black cartridge in the right side.
  1. Put the cartridges securely into its place.
  1. After executing the above steps correctly you have to Close the access door of cartridge, and then close the control panel.
  1. If error still present, then you need to insert the cartridge one by one and find out which cartridge is producing the error in printer.
  1. If you have inserted the one cartridge in the carrier, then properly close the access door of cartridge and control panel.
  1. After executing the above step you can check operator panel. If the 1203 error is shown, then that cartridge is the defective.
  1. If Cartridge Missing message is shown on the screen, then second cartridge is producing the failure.
  1. Finally you have to replace defective cartridge to fix Error 1203.

If you are using Lexmark printer and facing this kind of error then follow the above listed step carefully. If still error is not resolved then call @ 1800-862-1908 Lexmark printer customer support phone number. Here expert techies fix your all kind of query related to Lexmark printer.

Eliza Swift
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