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A Quick Guide to the Benefits of Xamarin for Mobile App Development

Janet Scott
A Quick Guide to the Benefits of Xamarin for Mobile App Development

It is crucial to address the fact that approximately 80% of Internet users possess a smartphone and this percentage will grow in the near future. Due to this, for businesses of all sizes, building a mobile strategy is of utmost importance. This strategy not only means having a mobile-friendly website but well-executed apps too. Thus, every mobile app developer should come up with best-in-class apps. However, when it comes to developing apps, Xamarin is a great choice.


Being new in app development world, Xamarin has a community of about 1.4 million developers. By using this technology, a developer can easily develop apps for all major platforms such as iOS, Android and also Windows. It enables mobile app developers to write the code once and run anywhere.

Explore the Benefits of Xamarin for Mobile App Development

Native API Access

This mobile app development framework allows developers to reap the benefits of the competencies of the phone such as sensors, touch inputs, and the operating system by using a wide range of native API levels on all the major platforms. The framework makes it very easy to channelize the competencies of Android Fragments and Beacons.

Eradicate Manual Coding

With the framework’s inbuilt C# Type Inference, it speeds up the development, testing as well as the delivery process. Now, a mobile app developer can skip the manual coding while developing apps. This is one of the biggest benefits that attracts developers.

One Technology Stack to Code for Different Platforms

Xamarin is based on C# as well as native libraries wrapped in the .Net layer and thus, 90-96% code can be used again to develop apps for other platforms. This way developers don’t have to make any switch during the development for several platforms.

Janet Scott
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