The director of Education Alger centre, Noureddine Khaldi has made état Sunday of the resort à éequipment jammer dédetection of use of smartphones for sending of the subjects or the réception de réanswers via the Internet, stating that the éevidence déaimé in ;under normal conditions; the level of the Capital.
In one dédeclaration à APS à the end of the kick-off of the session 2016 of the Baccalauréat the à from the lycée de mathésymptom Mohand Mokhbi (Kouba), Mr. Khaldi has to affirmé éevidence of déroll in ;normal conditions; and, recalling the stringent measures taken to thwart any attempt of fraud à through the establishment d'éequipment interference and dédetection of use of smartphones for sending of the subjects or the réception de réanswers at the level of the examination centres.
It was addedé that a coordination and follow-up is opérational at the level of the Directorate of Education to centralize the reporting of épossible fraud attempts in all the examination centres of Algiers Centre.
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