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PHP Vs ASP.NET: A Real Time Comparative Study

Neha Xavier
PHP Vs ASP.NET: A Real Time Comparative Study

We have PHP, a powerful server-side scripting language, the most widely used platform, in fact, PHP web development services has gained remarkable traction as for today.

On other hand, we have ASP.NET language that has Microsoft as its backup bearer and can be operated across any .NET supported language.

The Os, as well as the file system, will have a direct impression over the performance of one web application.

Hence, ASP.net is basically a framework and it has limited functionalities as it works on Windows platform, PHP is much superior considering its ability to work across multiple platforms.

But in results, PHP and MSSQL seem to be a better pair.

Anyone who associates with PHP web development process by any means will recommend the same for others, as PHP is known to be the easiest and user-friendly platform.

Neha Xavier
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