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Comparison: React Native vs Native App Development

Max Smith
Comparison: React Native vs Native App Development

Could React Native RoR framework compete with Native app development?

As multi optional as our world has become now, we get to make around 3500 decisions each day, and that’s not even the peak of it.

Native app development works greatly for mobile, and is an official type of development for a specific purpose (either iOS or Android), within a specific IDE (XCode or Android Studio) and on a certain language (Kotlin/Java for Android, Swift/ Objective-C for iOS).

React native vs swift/kotlin development - cross-platform application development is a bit different to native, as in most cases it includes an open-source framework that mixes up the concepts of mobile and web development, and quite often it is written on Java Script, though a final result would eventually be a "like-native" application file.

While everything is clear with "native" platforms and languages, hybrid apps have a broader classification.

The most common-used cross-platform JS frameworks are the following:

Max Smith
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