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Active Things to do in Macchu Picchu Apart from Trekking.

Zoya Bhatt
Active Things to do in Macchu Picchu Apart from Trekking.

Seeing trails or other archaeological facts, trip of Macchu Picchu is like building memories for the lifetime. If you wish to complete your Machu Picchu tours and witness the best of things then don't forget to visit these beautiful spots;

  • Train ride: It gives you a high-end convenience of seeing certain spots like fast flowing Urubamba and beautiful Andes Mountain. Nature's best of things could be witnessed from here. This Macchu Picchu train departs from Cusco. Millions of tourists here take an advantage of this train.
  • Mercado Market: The ancient heritage is well preserved here. If you wish to have the taste of Peruvian fruit this market is simply worth to visit. You could also avail Quinoa food that is the specialty of South America.
  • Pachamanca: In the ancient times this was considered to be a traditional dish. Generally, in this form of dish marinated cooked meat and potatoes are being served. Earlier in the ancient times, the meat was cooked on the rocks of the Andean region.
  • Pisco Sour: If you are an alcohol lover then you must try out this brandy. you will be stunned to note that even egg white, lime juice and local fruit juice like and coco leaves are being used in the making.
  • Butterfly House: The place is amazing on the natural aspects and educational too. You could get a detailed information on the lifespan of a butterfly.... read more
Zoya Bhatt
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