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How to Master Skills for Jiu Jitsu

john moris
How to Master Skills for Jiu Jitsu

Positional Strategy

What separates Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu from most combative techniques is the work of positional methodology. In jiu-jitsu, the position you are in with respect to your adversary is principal. A kick-boxer or a karateka is worried about thumping out their adversary, yet alongside separation and edges, they don't give much idea to the position of their body in connection to their opponent's.

Jiu-Jitsu first looks to set up a position, and afterward to complete the battle.

It's a numbers diversion, truly. You have a far higher possibility of completing the battle effectively from a prevailing position than you do of getting an adversary with a fortunate punch or kick.

Positional Dominance

In a jiu-jitsu coordinate every contender is continually attempting to accomplish positional strength. Being in a prevailing position is attractive on the grounds that is quite often implies that gravity as well as use is on your side.You are additionally more secure when you are in a predominant position since it will be troublesome for your adversary to strike you or apply use against you.


The logical meaning of use is past the extent of this content, however in a jiu-jitsu setting, we can take a gander at it like this:

Assaulting a weaker piece of your rivals body utilizing a more grounded piece of yours. Or, on the other hand, a somewhat more point by point clarification:

Utilizing as quite a bit of your body weight and the substantial, intense muscles of your hips and center to apply concentrated weight against a weaker or more defenseless piece of your adversary.


Change alludes to any period amid a match in which neither one of the grapplers has a set up position, or a development starting with one position then onto the next. Your objective ought to dependably be to guarantee that any change period closes with yourself in an overwhelming position. On the off chance that you start a change it ought to dependably end with you in a position better than the one in which were beforehand.

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On the off chance that your advances are adequate they themselves can turn into a middle of the road type of control. Genuinely extraordinary grapplers switch so rapidly and smoothly between prevalent positions that their rivals wind up plainly confounded and incapable.

 The Basic Formula

So thinking about what we have quite recently learned, we can break jiu-jitsu into the accompanying equation:


  1. Take your adversary to the ground utilizing a toss or takedown.


  1. Change to an overwhelming position as effectively as could reasonably be expected.


  1. Utilize use to complete the battle by applying a gag, choke or joint-bolt.


Another method for communicating the recipe is:


Clearly, there's somewhat more to it than that. In some cases you wind up in a mediocre position, and after that you will likely escape to a more secure position, and after that move to a prevailing position.

Likewise, a few positions are more predominant than others., your objective ought to be to either enhance your position considerably more, or complete the battle with an accommodation.

Most apprentices skip section 2 and go straight on to section 3. In any case, the issue is that without the control managed by the prevailing position it will be to a great degree hard to complete the rival.

Believe me on this – in the event that you need to advance as fast as conceivable don't concentrate excessively on completing your rival. Rather, take a gander at the amusement from a Positional Strategy point of view and figure out how to control your adversary thoroughly first.

john moris
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