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How to Engage Users in Studying Languages with Your Language Learning App

Irina Sidorenko
How to Engage Users in Studying Languages with Your Language Learning App

Some of the most popular are Duolingo (which aims to make education personal and enjoyable), Memrise (which strives to use brain science to help learners study faster), busuu (whose goal is to provide learners with high-quality language courses), and Babbel (which combines effective education methods with state-of-the-art technology).

Here are some scenarios for different levels:

People who begin experimenting with a foreign language shouldn’t be overloaded at the first stages of learning.

Thus, they should be provided with simple exercises with a focus on reading and writing skills.

For example, in busuu and Duolingo people can find a diversity of useful exercises to learn a small number of words in a captivating way.

The value of such apps is their ability to consider a user’s own needs.

Irina Sidorenko
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