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How to define target audience using the best modern analytics tools

Vlad Dm
How to define target audience using the best modern analytics tools

Why is it important to know your audience?

The simplest explanation of what is a target market analysis and why you need to spend time and read Analytics and Statistics instead of coding is to understand who will use your application and why. But thats not all. There is a much deeper need to make a detailed investigation on the topic. The research includes several basic steps which we will scrutinize later. Now lets take a look at the benefits that the targeting audience analysis gives.
Audience target benefits
Audience analysis benefits
Helps define the functionality set
When you already have chosen the group of people that theoretically will want to pay for your mobile app, you can make a development plan, which includes the list of features of your future application. And thats not all. You can pick the most appropriate design around the needs of type of target audience. For example, if you develop a mobile application, lets say a messenger, and a target niche you want to occupy is mostly teenagers, then the design should include lots of funny stickers, emojis, animation and effects. The same with functionality. The application needs to include the ability to send photos, videos and voice messages. Otherwise, they wont like it and wont use it. On the other hand, if your messenger serves the medical sphere, security plays a vital role.
Helps evaluate the idea
The next advantage lets you earn as much as possible. With the clear vision of who will use your product and after you have defined the main functionality set, along with the design, you can opt for the best monetization strategy for your product. There are lots of options and when you understand the needs and preferences of your target audience, you can easily pick the one, that will bring you the most money and wont annoy users. For instance, if you create an app for young mothers, the ads about baby products wont irritate customers and will interest them.
Helps build marketing strategy
To promote your product and attract all possible users, you need to create a well-considered app marketing strategy. Understanding of who is your target audience, how old he or she is, where they live, what their income is, you can see what adjustments are needed to be done to launch a perfect software solution for your customer. Providing that your product is a cooking app, how wonderful would it be if some cooking journal or Internet portal announced the launch of your app?
Simplifies the development process
Among all the advantages of target marketing audience, this one is probably the most important, as it gives you an understanding of should you develop a product at all! It can turn out that a particular software solution is not required for a specific audience. For instance, you want to create an iOS application for your country. However, after small target audience research, you see that the majority of people in your area use Android platform. That means, that you have only a few potential users who will download your mobile app. So, maybe it would be best to reconsider choosing Android platform or starting the project in an area where customers prefer iOS.
We felt these benefits after we identified the potential users for our own projects. These weighty arguments prove the importance of the research. To find marketing target audience for your project, follow our simple guide.

How to find target audience?

There are only a few steps which you need to do to target your potential users precisely. They dont require large investments. However, you need to be patient and diligent.
how to target audience
Step-by-step guide to define target audience
Vlad Dm
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